State of the Shrimp Announcement Recap

Chris Daniels
Shrimp Society NFT
Published in
7 min readAug 3, 2022

Hey Shrimp Fam,

On August 1st, we held the first ever STATE OF THE SHRIMP ADDRESS where we presented our plans for the second half of 2022. Here is a brief recap of the announcement and our five objectives.

Here is the address recording if you would rather watch it.

Let’s dive in.


It’s important to remind everyone what we are.

What exactly is the Shrimp Society?

We are an innovation ecosystem for ambitious builders.

What does that mean?

It means that we exist to support entrepreneurially-spirited people to have success in their businesses, projects, and personal lives as builders.

Entrepreneurially-spirited people come in a lot of shapes and sizes, so we just refer to you all as “Builders”.

Generally we support our builders in three broad categories:

  1. Connecting like-minded builders and fostering a vibrant and resourceful community
  2. Teach builders tactical skills needed to level up in their journey
  3. Amplifying the companies, projects, and people in our community across our different media channels

Alright now that we’re on the same page with all that, let’s talk about the first half of 2022.


In the first half of 2022 we came out swinging by connecting our community and building relationships.

Miami Hack Week, Mardi Gras, and NFT NYC were our biggest events with over a hundred members at each event. Our vision has always been to have one BIG event per quarter to convene our community, so I’m happy to report we exceeded that expectation. ✅

We also had some great smaller events both locally in Miami and virtually. Sunday Dinner kept our community connected every Sunday for Q1, we had small dinners in Miami every two weeks, and our virtual monthly Masterminds provided tactical wisdom from our community.

We also had some incredible COMMUNITY WINS!

I’m incredible proud to report that Shrimp Society founders raised over $53 million in startup funding with $21 million of that being directly attributable to a Shrimp Society connection!

Our operating team here at the Shrimp has grown as well. Please welcome our newest additions to the team:

  • Jackson Harris — CTO
  • Garrett Duncan — General Manager
  • Jasmin Frisk — Head of Content & Communications
  • Ernesto Mandowsky — COO

It’s also important to acknowledge and share our challenges with you all. Check out the graphic to learn more about the challenges and how we intent to tackle those challenges here in H2.

The first half of the year was nothing short of electric for those members that participated in all we had to offer. The Shrimp Society very much follows the age-old-adage:

You get out, what you put in.

For the members that put in a lot to the Shrimp Society had either business or life changing outcomes through the power of our community. The members that sat on the sidelines, well, this is the wake up call to get involved! ⏰


The TL:DR is that we have five main objectives that we’ll be executing on in H2. Here is the high-level summary:

Launch Fellowship Accelerator Program

This is something that has always been core to the Shrimp Society vision and I’m very excited we’re finally ready to give it a go.

The Fellowship Accelerator program is a 10-week structured IRL program in Miami where vetted early stage founders will learn and apply fundamental startup skills, strategies, and tactics taught by experienced leaders in our community.

The program is capped off with our first Demo Day during Art Basel where founders will pitch investors for early stage funding.

Are you an early stage founder in South Florida? Apply here by August 15th.

Execute Community Activation Programs

In H1 we did a lot of disjointed community programs. In H2, we’re looking to bring more focus and consistency to our community engagement.

Here is what’s on the agenda:

Two programs to highlight:

Shrimp Society Job Board Ramps Up

The Shrimp Society Job Board has been ramped up with 50+ new opportunities per month and promotion across our Twitter and #jobs-and-hiring channel in Discord. Be sure to check it out if you’re looking for a new job or if you’re hiring and want to post a job.

Shrimp Pass Loyalty Card

I’m super excited about this one — especially since the company behind it was created by Shrimp Society members.

We are launching the first web3 community loyalty card with the help of our friends at Punchcardz.

With this program you’ll earn SHELLS for taking positive actions in the community like meeting another Shrimp member, coming to events (virtual/IRL), and participating in partner bennies like getting Coffee at Puroast.

You’ll then be able to redeem these Shells for REAL WORLD rewards both in our community and externally (think Amazon gift cards, tickets to events, free fancy dinner coupon, merch, discounted membership, etc.)

We’re launching the beta of the program in late August and invite you to participate to earn some extra SHELLS. Apply here.

Transition to Sustainable Membership & Business Model

How do you provide positive member services and experiences while creating a sustainable business model?

You do what just about every other membership organization has done because, well, it works. It works really well. And everyone wins.

So we’re changing some things up in our membership model that will go into effect December 1st, 2022. We’re transitioning to an annual membership model where members will renew their membership by purchasing a new NFT every year.

This decision was based on feedback from community members to ensure better alignment and accountability between the services we offer and how we grow as an organization.

We explain a bit more below.

IMPORTANT: No action is needed from you at this time. We’re all in this together and will make the transition seamlessly as we get closer to December.

Launch “Shrimp Dev” Developer Group

It’s about time, huh? We have hundreds of incredible software engineers, developers, designers, and other technical wizards in our community.

I’m excited to create this dedicated group for this strong group of members. The group will be led by our new CTO, Jackson Harris and will include both virtual and IRL events specifically for technical talent.

This is a big step in our ecosystem. It’s just the beginning of the group but trust me, Jackson has some big plans for the group!

IMPORTANT: You must apply to Shrimp Dev. Please apply here if you are a software engineer, developer, designer, or have other technical skills.

Host Shrimpapalooza Conference

Ah, the grand finale. Shrimpapalooza.

This is our big event that brings together our entire community to celebrate each other, showcase our projects, and host our first ever Demo Day. It’s going to be epic.

We will be hosting Shrimpapalooza during Art Basel 2022 so be sure to ear mark your calendar. More on that as the event gets closer.


Well that’s it for now folks. I hope you’re as excited as our team is about where we’re headed!

We’re incredible grateful for your continued support for the Shrimp Society — this community is all for YOU.

You have some homework — just one thing.

Please complete the Community Registration.

This is literally the only thing you need to do and it will take less than a minute.

Let’s have a great second half Shrimp!

Scan the QR code or hit the link above to complete the registration.

What did you think of this announcement? Please share your feedback here.

— Chris Daniels

Founder & CEO, The Shrimp Society

@chris | jumbo shrimp

