Creating Your First Adventure in Shrpa

Adam Lofquist
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2020

Awesome, you want to create your first adventure.

First we want to say thank you. We love our creators. You are the ones that help people go on amazing adventures. You help people discover things to do in their community that they never knew existed. We all know how magical travel can be, because you get a new experience and the best ones turn into memories. You are helping people discover that what they can do in their own community can be an amazing experience, one that creates memories.

Sign Up and Login Page

The first thing that you need to do is sign up for shrpa, if you have not already. You can set that up here: The site automatically creates a profile once you sign up, which is super helpful. Let the explorer get to know you by telling them what you love in your Short Blurb and don’t forget to include a picture, hit save and you are done.

Now that you have your profile set up, you are ready to create your first adventure.

The first step in helping people figure out what to do in their community is for you to pick out the trip that you want to go on. We know it sounds simple but here are a few tips. Start with the type of adventure you want to plan. It will also help you decide which stops you want people to take on the adventure and if they go together.

The second step, plan out the steps that you want to take people on. Shrpa requires that you have at least two stops in your adventure because if there is less, is it really an adventure? But really, it does help people see everything there is to do in their community when they are able to go on more than one stop. We suggest having 3–5 stops depending on the length of the adventure.

Now you are ready to create the adventure and show people what they can do near them. When you are logged into select “Create” at the top of the page. Then select the plus button to get started with your adventure.

After this, just select the plus button.

It is time to start adding your stops to the adventure. Sherpa has a great feature where the address of each stop on your adventure will automatically be filled in as you enter it. The only exception is if the place is really new. After that you fill out the ‘What to do there?’ section this is the section to help guide the explorer to having a rally great time. Bonus, if you really want to make the explorers experience amazing be sure to include the “Pro Tip” which is great for talking about your favorite dish or drink at a restaurant, brewery or pub, your favorite spot if you are at a park or activity. It is also super helpful to include the website of the stop if it has one. As you know, pictures tell a story of a thousand words so be sure to include your pictures. This is also a great way to highlight specific items of each stop. If you accidentally add a stop, you can easily remove it by selecting ‘Remove Stop’ and if you want to rearrange the stops you can use the up and down arrows right next to ‘Remove Stop’ in the bottom right corner of each stop.

After you have entered all of the steps, click the next button on the bottom right corner of the screen. All you have to do is create a Title for your adventure, enter the location it takes place in, if it is a longer adventure it is best to use the location it starts at. You also need to select the time and distance on the drop down menu, this is really helpful to explorers so they are able to plan. Be sure to include a summary so explorers know what to expect on their adventure and if needed be sure to include the items they need to bring, you can add new items by simply hitting the green plus button. You are almost done. The next thing you need to do is to add a cover photo. If you don’t have a cover photo, Shrpa automatically pulls images from each stop which is a huge help. Two final steps that make a big difference are to include if the adventure is season or not and to add a map. This is a huge help to our explorers as again they are able to plan an even better experience. The final step is to hit “Finished” and you are all set.

