Day 1: The 75 Hard Challenge | Shruti

Shruti Mandaokar
The 75 Hard Challenge
8 min readMay 4, 2023

Today marks the beginning of my journey with ‘The 75 Hard Challenge’ and I’m excited to share my daily progress and motivation with you all. For those who are not familiar with the challenge, #75HardChallenge is a program developed by entrepreneur Andy Frisella, aimed at building mental toughness, physical fitness, and self-discipline by following a set of strict rules for 75 consecutive days.

The 75 Hard Challenge is made up of six ‘non-negotiable rules’ which have to be completed for 75 days straight:

  • Stick to a diet, any diet
  • No alcohol or cheat meals are allowed (it doesn’t specify what counts as a cheat meal)
  • Complete two 45-minute workouts per day (one of them has to be outside, no matter the weather)
  • Drink 4.5 liters of water each day
  • Take a daily progress photo
  • Read 10 pages of inspirational non-fiction each day

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Day 1 (4th May 2023): About my day and mindset

Today, I woke up early at 5:30 am and made the conscious decision to start the 75 Hard challenge at 6:32 am. I am fully aware that to see the best results from this program, I not only need to focus on my workouts but also track my calorie and food intake meticulously.

1st Workout: 40 mins (Running + Jogging)

I was all geared up for Day 1 of #75Hard and started by stretching a bit and taking a brisk walk. Initially, I was a bit hesitant about running in public, worrying about how people around me might perceive me. But then, I realized that no one really cares, and even if they do look, it’s only for a moment before they move on with their day. So, I let go of my worries and started running, switching between jogging and walking as needed. I made sure to run for a total of 40 minutes and around 3 km on both off-road and highway surfaces to get the full experience. The weather was a mix of sun and wind, making the run all the more exhilarating. If you’re curious, I’ve included some videos and running statistics from Day 1 of #75Hard.

Day 1: #75Hard Challenge

✅ Daily Progress Photo/Video :

2nd Workout: 30 min (Indoor Yoga)

Workout 2: Indoor Yoga (for 30 min)

I did an extensive routine of Indoor Yoga along with my mom which consisted of

  • Leg Workout :
  1. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) — strengthens and stretches quadriceps, hamstrings, and ankles.
  2. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) — stretches and strengthens hamstrings, calves, and hips.
  3. Garland Pose (Malasana) — stretches ankles, hips, and groin muscles.
  4. Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana) — strengthens quadriceps and stretches hip flexors and hamstrings.
  5. Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) — stretches hip rotators and flexors, and glutes.
  6. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) — strengthens hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles.
  7. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) — stretches hamstrings and calves, and massages internal organs.

. Other Yoga Poses that I did were —

  1. Makarasana (Crocodile Pose) — relieves stress and tension in the lower back and hips
  2. Kapalabhati Pranayama (Skull-Shining Breath) — improves lung capacity and digestion, and energizes the body
  3. Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana) — stretches the inner thighs and hips, and stimulates the abdominal organs
  4. Tree Pose (Vrksasana) — improves balance and stability, and strengthens the legs and core
  5. Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana) — stretches and mobilizes the spine, and massages the internal organs
  6. Child’s Pose (Balasana) — releases tension in the back, neck, and shoulders, and calms the mind
  7. Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) — strengthens the legs and core and opens the chest and shoulders.
  8. Shavasana (Corpse Pose) — relaxes the body and mind, and reduces stress and anxiety, used preferably to end the workout.

I have used Adidas Running App( For Run/Jog Tracking) and MyNetDiary (For Food/Exercise/Calorie Tracking).

In total, both the workouts combined would have helped me lose about -

  1. Running/Jogging (40 min,3.38 km): 256 calories
  2. Walking (Slow Pace, 50 min): 96 calories
  3. Indoor Yoga (30 min): 32 calories
  4. Total Steps — 768

All would total upto around — 384 calories

Meals for the Day and Calorie Tracking :

According to my current weight and target weight for 4 months,

The recommended Calorie Budget is 1,557 calories daily.

Water Intake Tracking— 4.5 Litres (aka 19 glasses of 250 ml)

Thought to consume water after every hour of the day and night.

Breakfast —

  1. Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes by Kellog’s (1 serving): 397 cal
  2. Banana (1 serving): 112 cal
  3. Tea (1 cup): 2 cal

Total = 511 cals ( Carbs : 89% , Protein : 6% , Fat : 5% )

Lunch —

  1. Plain Naan (2 pieces): 524 cal
  2. Paneer (1 serving): 90 cal

Total = 614 cals ( Carbs: 95%, Protein: 15%, Fat: 26% )

Dinner -

  1. Dal (1 cup): 173 cal
  2. Roti (2 rotis) : 175 cal

Total = 248 cals (Carbs : 72%, Protein : 14%, Fat: 14%)

My total calorie consumption for the day — 1,373 (out of 1,557)

Since it was the first day, I could not experiment much with the food, but from tomorrow, I will make sure to include more fruits, reduce carb intake and increase protein intake in my diet.

My Daily Food Report and Calorie Budget Chart

Food Report (Day1 of #75HARD)
Calorie Intake (Day1 of #75HARD)

After reviewing my calorie intake, it appears that I have been consuming too many carbs. This is likely because I have been following the same routine and diet for a while now. However, I am committed to making positive changes and improving my overall health during this 75 Hard challenge. I plan to conduct more research on healthy food and diets and incorporate more protein into my meals moving forward.

✅ 10 Pages of Book: Handbook of Nature Cure (by H.K. Bakhru)

As I continue on my journey towards a healthier lifestyle and educate myself about foods that can be beneficial in the long run, I have also begun reading the Handbook of Nature Cure by H.K. Bakhru. This book delves into natural methods and remedies for curing major diseases, and I find it to be a fascinating read. I am eager to learn more and see how these principles can be applied to my own life. Nature cures.

I’ll provide a summary of what I read in 10 pages.

Chapter 1: Principles and Practices of Nature Cure

The modern methods of Naturopathy originated in Germany. The credit for the name goes to Dr. Benedict Lust, who is the Father of Naturopathy.

The author mentions that fresh air, sunshine, a proper diet, exercise, sunlight, constructive thinking, and right mental attitude, along with prayer and meditation all play their part in keeping a sound mind in a sound body.

When toxins in our body accumulate, other organs like the bowels, kidneys, skin, and lungs are overworked and cannot get rid of these toxins as fast as they are produced due to the fast electric field in the metabolism.

Three Basic Principles of Nature Cure :

  1. All forms of the disease are due to the accumulation of waste materials and bodily refuse in the system. This is due to improper care of the body and habits, nervous exhaustion such as worry, and overwork.
  2. All chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, rheumatism, and asthma are the results of continued suppression of acute diseases through harmful methods such as drugs, vaccines, and narcotics.
  3. The body contains an elaborate healing mechanism that has the power to bring about a return to the normal condition of health with the right methods. The power to cure diseases lies within the body itself.

Nature cure system lays greater emphasis on preventive method and adopts measures to prevent diseases.

Methods of Nature Cure :

  1. Regulate the diet: Exclude acid-forming foods for a week including protein, starches, and fats, and confine the diet to fresh fruits which will disinfect the stomach. Alkaline foods such as raw vegetables and sprouted whole grains may be added after a week of a fruit-only diet.
  2. Stimulate the Vitality of the Body: Use water in various ways and at various temperatures in the form of packs or baths. Wet packs, Hydrotherapy offer a natural method of abating fevers and reducing inflammation.
  3. Air and Sun Baths: Sun Baths revive dead skin cells. Yoga promotes inner health and harmony and helps eliminate all the tension: physical, mental, and emotional. Massage tones up the nervous system and quickens blood circulation.

Thus, a well-balanced diet, sufficient physical exercise, fresh air, sunlight, pure water, cleanliness, adequate rest, and the right mental attitude can ensure proper health and prevent diseases.

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As I reflect on my first day Day 1 of the 75 Hard Challenge, I feel proud of the progress I have made so far. I tackled my workouts and remained mindful of my calorie intake, even if it wasn’t perfect. It is not about being perfect, but about striving towards progress and improvement.

To keep myself motivated, I always remember the words of Vince Lombardi, “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.” I have the will and determination to see this challenge through and emerge stronger on the other side.

I am looking forward to the next day of the challenge and all the opportunities for growth and self-improvement it will bring. Let’s do this!

Thank you for reading and following along.
— Shruti Mandaokar

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Shruti Mandaokar
The 75 Hard Challenge

ML x Business Outcomes l DS Intern@Suvidha, Ex ML Intern@SCAAI l Putting my energy in being consistent. l