Day 13 : The 75 Hard Challenge |Shruti

Shruti Mandaokar
The 75 Hard Challenge
4 min readMay 16, 2023

Greetings, dear readers! It’s Day 13 of the #75HardChallenge, and I’m excited to share my daily progress and motivation with all of you. This journey of self-discipline and personal growth continues to inspire me, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to push my limits and embrace new experiences. Today’s adventures and creative expression took me to new heights, both physically and emotionally. Let’s dive into the highlights!

The 75 Hard Challenge is made up of six ‘non-negotiable rules’ which have to be completed for 75 days straight:

  • Stick to a diet, any diet
  • No alcohol or cheat meals are allowed (it doesn’t specify what counts as a cheat meal)
  • Complete two 45-minute workouts per day (one of them has to be outside, no matter the weather)
  • Drink 4.5 liters of water each day
  • Take a daily progress photo
  • Read 10 pages of inspirational non-fiction each day

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1st Workout: 9.15 km Bridge and Park Run (Adventurous Exploration)

With a sense of adventure coursing through my veins, I embarked on an exhilarating 9.15 km run that led me to a nearby bridge and park. The path unfolded beneath my feet as I embraced the scenic beauty surrounding me. E Running across the bridge and through the park immersed me in nature’s splendor, offering a moment of serenity and connection with the world around me. The journey back home was filled with a deep sense of accomplishment, knowing I had explored new territory and unleashed my adventurous spirit.

✅ Daily Progress Photo/Video:

Unleashing my adventurous spirit during the 9.15 km bridge and park run. Exploring new horizons and embracing the beauty of the world around me. #adventure #exploration

✅ 2nd Workout: 1 hour (Dance Workout)

For my second workout of the day, I delved into the realm of dance. The rhythmic melodies and energetic beats fueled my movements as I let go of inhibitions and surrendered to the music. Dance is not only a form of exercise but also a powerful means of creative expression. With every step, twist, and turn, I tapped into the depths of my soul, allowing the music to guide my body and set my spirit free. The dance workout was a celebration of joy, self-expression, and embracing the beauty of movement.

✅ Meals for the Day and Calorie Tracking:

Water Intake Tracking —18 glasses of 250 ml (1 gallon)

Nourishing my body with wholesome meals and staying hydrated remained a top priority on Day 13. By meticulously tracking my calorie intake and ensuring a balanced diet, I provided my body with the fuel it needed to perform at its best.

10 Pages of Book:

Summary of Chapter 13: “The Power of Creative Expression”

Chapter 13 of my inspirational non-fiction book delves into the transformative power of creative expression and its impact on personal growth. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Discovering your creative outlet: Each individual has a unique form of creative expression. Whether it’s through art, music, writing, dance, or any other medium, discovering and nurturing your creative outlet allows you to tap into your innermost thoughts, emotions, and ideas.
  2. Emotional release and self-discovery: Creative expression serves as a powerful tool for emotional release and self-discovery. It allows us to channel our feelings, gain insights into ourselves, and find solace and healing in the process. Through creative expression, we connect with our authentic selves and foster personal growth.
  3. Cultivating mindfulness: Engaging in creative activities often brings us into a state of flow, where time seems to disappear, and we are fully present in the moment. This mindful state enhances our focus, reduces stress, and promotes overall well-being.

I extend my gratitude to each one of you for joining me on this incredible journey. Your support and encouragement fuel my motivation and inspire.

Thank you for reading and following along.

— Shruti Mandaokar

#75HardChallenge #75Hard #fitnesschallenge #healthyhabits #selfimprovement #mindsetshift #workoutmotivation #nutrition #healthylifestyle #motivationmonday #fitspiration #healthjourney #progressnotperfection #fitnessjourney #mindbodysoul #selfcare #getfit #stayfit #fitlife #wellness #healthandwellness



Shruti Mandaokar
The 75 Hard Challenge

ML x Business Outcomes l DS Intern@Suvidha, Ex ML Intern@SCAAI l Putting my energy in being consistent. l