Day 3: The 75 Hard Challenge | Shruti

Shruti Mandaokar
The 75 Hard Challenge
8 min readMay 6, 2023

Hi Readers, thank you so much for following up. It’s my 3rd day with ‘The 75 Hard Challenge’ and I’m excited to share my daily progress and motivation with you all. For those unfamiliar with the challenge, #75HardChallenge is a program developed by entrepreneur Andy Frisella, aimed at building mental toughness, physical fitness, and self-discipline by following a set of strict rules for 75 consecutive days.

The 75 Hard Challenge is made up of six ‘non-negotiable rules’ which have to be completed for 75 days straight:

  • Stick to a diet, any diet
  • No alcohol or cheat meals are allowed (it doesn’t specify what counts as a cheat meal)
  • Complete two 45-minute workouts per day (one of them has to be outside, no matter the weather)
  • Drink 4.5 liters of water each day
  • Take a daily progress photo
  • Read 10 pages of inspirational non-fiction each day

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Day 3(6th May 2023): About my day and mindset

I woke up today at 5:30 am and planned my day. However, my mom wanted to come along with me to see me run and jog, so I had to wait for her to wake up. We got ready and went out to a nearby road/street and park at around 6:30 am. The weather was already sunny. Mom was walking briskly, I stretched for a while and then started to run.

1st Workout: 1 hour 8mins (Running + Jogging)

In total, I was able to cover a distance of 4.56 km in 1hr 8mins and burnt around 374 calories. The run started with a walk for 5 mins initially, then I ran in the sunny weather.

Day 3 : #75Hard (1st Workout Stats)

✅ Daily Progress Photo/Video :

2nd Workout: 45 min (Indoor Yoga)

For my yoga workout today, I referred to two youtube videos to follow along. I found better videos with more focus on weight loss and breathing. They were absolute game-changers.

Video 1: वज़न घटाने के लिए योग | Yoga for WEIGHT LOSS | 30-minute yoga

Link —

Video 2: 10 Minute Pranayama to Increase Immunity | इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाने के लिए प्राणायाम

Link —

I learned that Pranayama is very important when it comes to clarifying lungs and regulating breathing patterns. The yogas from the first video were quite intensive and I was able to feel the movement in my core. In total, I did yoga for 45 mins after my run.

Indoor Yoga: 45 minutes

In total, both the workouts combined would have helped me lose about -

  1. Running/Jogging (1hr 8mins, 4.56 km): 374 calories
  2. Walking (Medium, 120 mins, morning + evening walk): 384 calories
  3. Indoor Yoga (45 min): 48 calories
  4. Total Steps — 300–400

All would total upto around —816 calories

✅ Meals for the Day and Calorie Tracking :

Today, I conducted research on high-protein foods that can be incorporated into a diet plan. Protein is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in building and repairing tissues, supporting immune function, and maintaining overall health.

  1. Fish and Seafood: Fish and seafood are not only rich in protein but also provide omega-3 fatty acids, which offer numerous health benefits. Options like salmon, tuna, trout, shrimp, and cod are great choices for a high-protein diet.
  2. Eggs: Eggs are a versatile and affordable source of protein. They are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Both the egg white and yolk contain protein, so enjoying the whole egg is beneficial.
  3. Dairy Products: Dairy products such as Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and low-fat milk are excellent sources of protein. They also provide calcium, which is important for bone health.
  4. Legumes: Legumes, including beans, lentils, chickpeas, and soybeans, are plant-based sources of protein. They are also high in fiber, making them a nutritious option for vegetarian or vegan diets.
  5. Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, peanuts, chia seeds, and hemp seeds, are not only rich in protein but also provide healthy fats and other beneficial nutrients.
  6. Quinoa: Quinoa is a grain-like seed that is considered a complete protein, as it contains all nine essential amino acids. It is a great choice for those following a plant-based diet.

Water Intake Tracking — 17 glasses of 250 ml (1 gallon)

Breakfast —

  1. Egg (1 medium): 68 cal
  2. Banana (1 serving): 112 cal
  3. Tea (1 cup): 2 cal
  4. Dalia (1 serving): 130 cal

Total = 312 cals ( Carbs : 65% , Protein : 13% , Fat : 22% )

Lunch —

  1. Roti (1 roti): 75 cal
  2. Dal Palak (1 serving): 95cal

Total = 170 cals ( Carbs: 63%, Protein: 14%, Fat: 23% )

Snacks —

  1. Tea (1 cup): 2 cal

Dinner -

  1. Pulao: 200 cal

Total = 200 cals (Carbs : 67%, Protein : 6%, Fat: 27%)

My total calorie consumption for the day — 684 (out of 1,557)

It’s a good thing that I have been successfully able to follow a calorie deficit diet. A calorie deficit occurs when you consistently provide your body with fewer calories than it needs to support calorie expenditure. In other words, to drop one pound a week, you must have a deficit of 500 calories a day and eat less than before.

✅ 10 Pages of Book:

I began reading the next chapter from the Handbook of Nature Cure by H.K. Bakhru. This book delves into natural methods and remedies for curing major diseases, and I find it to be a fascinating read.

I’ll provide a summary of what I read in 10 pages.

Chapter 3: Curative Powers of Earth

The forces of the earth have a profound impact on the human body, particularly during the night. It is highly recommended to walk barefoot on bare ground to fully experience the healing powers of the earth. However, when walking on painted floors, it is advisable to wear slippers or chappals to maintain hygiene and avoid potential toxins from the floor covering.

The healing power of the earth is immensely potent and can be harnessed through various practices. One such practice is the use of mud packs. Mud packs involve the application of a mixture of clay or mud onto specific areas of the body. The earthy composition of the mud contains minerals, trace elements, and other beneficial substances that can be absorbed through the skin. These substances can help stimulate circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote the body’s natural healing processes.

Another method to tap into the curative powers of the earth is through mud baths. Mud baths are therapeutic treatments where the body is immersed or coated with a mixture of mud and water. This allows the skin to absorb the minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients present in the mud. Mud baths are believed to have a range of benefits, including detoxification, relaxation of muscles and joints, improved skin health, and enhanced overall well-being.

During a mud bath, the body’s temperature rises, promoting sweating and the elimination of toxins. The mud’s texture also exerts a gentle pressure on the body, aiding in the relaxation of muscles and relieving tension. The minerals and nutrients present in the mud can nourish the skin, improve its tone and texture, and promote a healthy glow.

It is important to note that when practicing mud packs or mud baths, the quality and source of the mud are crucial. Ideally, the mud should be obtained from clean, natural sources free from pollutants or harmful substances. Additionally, the duration and frequency of mud pack or mud bath treatments should be determined based on individual needs and the guidance of a healthcare professional.

  • Mud packs can be particularly beneficial for skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. The minerals and anti-inflammatory properties in the mud can help soothe irritated skin, reduce redness, and promote healing.
  • Mud baths have a relaxing effect on the nervous system, helping to alleviate stress, and anxiety, and promote a sense of well-being. The warm mud enveloping the body can induce a calming sensation and release tension from both the body and mind.
  • The exfoliating properties of mud can help remove dead skin cells, unclog pores, and improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. Regular use of mud packs or mud baths can result in smoother, more radiant skin.
  • Mud contains natural antimicrobial properties, which can help combat bacteria and fungi on the skin’s surface. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with fungal infections or skin conditions prone to bacterial growth.

About Geothermal Therapy (aka Hot Springs)

  • Geothermal therapy, also known as thermal mineral therapy, utilizes the healing properties of natural hot springs and thermal waters for therapeutic purposes.
  • Soaking in geothermal pools or mineral-rich hot springs can provide numerous benefits. The high mineral content, including sulfur, magnesium, and potassium, in these waters can help relax muscles, reduce pain and inflammation, and improve circulation.
  • Geothermal therapy has been used for centuries to alleviate symptoms of various conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and musculoskeletal disorders. The warmth of the water and the minerals absorbed through the skin can provide relief and promote healing.
  • In addition to physical benefits, geothermal therapy can have a positive impact on mental well-being. The serene environment, the soothing effect of warm water, and the release of endorphins can help reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall mood.

The curative powers of the earth can be harnessed through practices such as mud packs and mud baths. These treatments offer a range of benefits, including improved circulation, reduced inflammation, detoxification, relaxation of muscles and joints, and enhanced skin health. It is important to approach these practices with proper hygiene and guidance to ensure their effectiveness and safety.

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As I reflect on my first day Day 3 of the 75 Hard Challenge, I feel proud of the progress I have made so far. I tackled my workouts and remained mindful of my calorie intake — it was better than yesterday in terms of food choices and my workouts were longer too. I researched about proper foods to eat (calorie-wise) and learned about a calorie-deficient diet.

I am looking forward to the next day of the challenge and all the opportunities for growth and self-improvement it will bring. Let’s do this!

Thank you for reading and following along.
— Shruti Mandaokar

#75HardChallenge #75Hard #fitnesschallenge #healthyhabits #selfimprovement #mindsetshift #workoutmotivation #nutrition #healthylifestyle #motivationmonday #fitspiration #healthjourney #progressnotperfection #fitnessjourney #mindbodysoul #selfcare #getfit #stayfit #fitlife #wellness #healthandwellness



Shruti Mandaokar
The 75 Hard Challenge

ML x Business Outcomes l DS Intern@Suvidha, Ex ML Intern@SCAAI l Putting my energy in being consistent. l