Day 7: The 75 Hard Challenge | Shruti

Shruti Mandaokar
The 75 Hard Challenge
5 min readMay 10, 2023

Welcome back, readers! It’s Day 7 of the #75HardChallenge, and I’m thrilled to share my progress and motivation with you all. This journey of mental and physical transformation has been nothing short of incredible, and each day presents new opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

The 75 Hard Challenge is made up of six ‘non-negotiable rules’ which have to be completed for 75 days straight:

  • Stick to a diet, any diet
  • No alcohol or cheat meals are allowed (it doesn’t specify what counts as a cheat meal)
  • Complete two 45-minute workouts per day (one of them has to be outside, no matter the weather)
  • Drink 4.5 liters of water each day
  • Take a daily progress photo
  • Read 10 pages of inspirational non-fiction each day

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Day 7 (10th May 2023): About my day and mindset

I woke up today at 5:45 am and went out for a walk/jog/run at 6:45 am.

1st Workout: 1 hour 17mins (Running + Jogging)

To start my day on a high note, I embarked on a mix of jogging and running. I trekked for 1 hour 17 minutes, covering a challenging terrain that tested my endurance and determination. In total, I could cover a distance of 4.87 km in 1hr 17mins and burnt around 467 calories. The run started with a walk for 5 mins initially, then I ran in the sunny weather of about 28 degrees. It was so good that I was able to hit 180 bpm heart rate.

✅ Daily Progress Photo/Video:

✅ 2nd Workout: 45 min (Yoga + Meditation)

For my second workout of the day, I dedicated 45 minutes to a rejuvenating yoga and meditation session. Guided by a soothing voice and gentle movements, I immersed myself in the practice, allowing my body to stretch and relax. The combination of deep breathing, mindful movements, and peaceful meditation brought a sense of tranquility to my day. I did some home workout exercises like Child Pose, Kapal Bharti, and Surya Namaskar


Link —

Video 2: 20 Minute Evening Yoga + Savasana | Deep Stretch & Relax

Link —

Meals for the Day and Calorie Tracking:

Water Intake Tracking — 18 glasses of 250 ml (1 gallon)

Nourishing my body with wholesome meals continued to be a priority on Day 7. I tracked my calorie intake and ensured that my diet consisted of nutrient-dense foods that fueled my workouts and supported my overall well-being.

✅ 10 Pages of Book:

Summary of Chapter 4: “Building Resilience and Overcoming Obstacles”

Chapter 4 of my inspirational non-fiction book focused on the importance of building resilience and overcoming obstacles. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Embracing adversity: Challenges and setbacks are inevitable on the path to success. By reframing these experiences as opportunities for growth and learning, we can develop resilience and become stronger individuals.
  2. Developing a growth mindset: Cultivating a mindset that sees failures as temporary setbacks and opportunities for improvement allows us to bounce back from adversity. By embracing a growth mindset, we can =continuously evolve and reach new heights.
  3. Building a support network: Surrounding ourselves with positive, like-minded individuals who provide encouragement and support is crucial. A strong support network can uplift us during challenging times and provide valuable insights and perspectives.
  4. Taking calculated risks: Stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing calculated risks is essential for personal and professional growth. By pushing our boundaries and embracing new challenges, we unlock hidden potential and discover new possibilities.

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As I reflect on the past seven days, I celebrate the milestones I have achieved and the progress I have made. This journey is not without its ups and downs, but I am determined to keep pushing forward and embracing the resilience within me.

I am immensely grateful for the support and motivation I have received from all of you. Your presence on this journey inspires me to strive for greatness and stay committed to my goals.

As I gear up for Day 8 of the challenge, I carry the lessons of resilience, determination, and gratitude with me. Together, let’s continue to embrace the challenges, celebrate our achievements, and support one another on this remarkable journey of self-improvement.

Thank you for reading and following along.

— Shruti Mandaokar

#75HardChallenge #75Hard #fitnesschallenge #healthyhabits #selfimprovement #mindsetshift #workoutmotivation #nutrition #healthylifestyle #motivationmonday #fitspiration #healthjourney #progressnotperfection #fitnessjourney #mindbodysoul #selfcare #getfit #stayfit #fitlife #wellness #healthandwellness



Shruti Mandaokar
The 75 Hard Challenge

ML x Business Outcomes l DS Intern@Suvidha, Ex ML Intern@SCAAI l Putting my energy in being consistent. l