Art course in Paris (2014)→ Week 2

Shuchi Muley
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2017

Week 2 began with block-ins. Tim taught us how to draw envelops and block-in the main shapes. Here are a few ones i did:

The idea is to draw in the bigger shapes and not worry about the minute details. The process starts with the inner movement curve and transforms into an envelope. We then develop the envelope further by blocking in the major shapes. We can even skip the movement curve and go straight to block-ins, however, i felt more comfortable drawing the movement curve first.

Two block-ins upside down

There are only straight lines at this stage. We do not draw any curved lines at any point. A few things to look for are:

  1. Gesture of the entire pose
  2. Foreshortening — i.e. if a leg, an arm or any other body part is going away from you or coming towards you
  3. Tilt of the torso — If we get the centre line of the mid section early in the process, we can draw the remaining

Tomorrow i am going to the Louvre to practice this stage.

