6 steps to becoming WHO you want to be and how to pick a career path

Brandon Dempsey
Shut Up and Go!
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2017

When I was 22 years old I knew I wanted to own my own business, #IfIWere22. The problem was I didn’t know where to start or how to decide who I wanted to be. I chose first to be a business owner and let that define me, instead of deciding on “who” I wanted to be as a person and become. I essentially, “put the cart before the horse.” Here’s how I recommend doing it now if you are just starting out.

  1. Write out the the top 5 people you admire, look up to, or want to be like.
  2. Write next to their names all the things that you admire and want to embody
  3. Circle and group the ones that are alike and re-write them all
  4. Pick 3–5 and write out any values you want to embody, but aren’t listed. These are now your Core Values.
  5. Write out a mission statement for your purpose in life. Answer the question of “What drives you or what gives you energy when you do it?”
  6. Write out a vision statement for who you want to become. Answer the question of “What do you seek to accomplish in order to achieve your mission?”

Had I done this I would have saved about 3 wallowing years trying to figure out the right path. Now that I have done this, my path is clear and everything emanates from it. Here are my Mission, Vision, and Values.


To be a spark that ignites change


Lead Empowergiezed people who shut up and go

Core values:

  1. Own my own happiness
  2. Learn, Adapt, Improve- Repeat
  3. Connect and be 100% present with people
  4. Shut up and go!- no excuses
  5. Actively fit and whole

After you have done this write out the things/skills/expertise that interest you. Make a long list. Then circle the ones that you would like “the world” to know you as.

Now set yearly goals to accomplish and acquire these expertise. When you follow your passion, you will never work a day in your life. Additionally, you will find that every time you learn more, you are re-energized to keep going and getting better and better. This constant improvement will make you the top in whatever you seek to become.

If you prefer worksheets to guide you through these exercises, you can download the full packet from my website. I also offer a goal tracking program to help you stay on track with your goals for a year.




Brandon Dempsey
Shut Up and Go!

Brandon is a serial entrepreneur, author (Shut Up and Go!), Global Chair of EO Accelerator, and driving force behind his marketing firm goBRANDgo!