ShuttleOne Preps for an Exciting 2022

Published in
5 min readJan 27, 2022

2021 had been a fruitful year for ShuttleOne, as the project embarked on a journey to become the default operating system for financial products. Having started with an ambitious roadmap, the ShuttleOne project cleared all the major milestones, thanks to the collective team and community efforts. Now, ShuttleOne is carrying over the gathered momentum into this new year, ready to surpass more milestones.

As a digital asset blockchain infrastructure company, ShuttleOne has been offering enterprise-grade, Plug-and-Play DeFi solutions to governments, businesses, and institutions.

Here’s a glimpse of things from the past, and exciting stuff set to happen during this year.

In the previous year, the company took an ambitious step towards addressing a much larger problem plaguing the crypto ecosystem than just focusing on meeting the needs of organizations with its enterprise offering.

Blockchain promises unification but the current direction in innovation has created more silos mini-universe instead of a uniform one. Where people can enjoy Web3 products without technical complexity.

As a result, the ShuttleOne Metachain was introduced to the world — A universe where all blockchain networks and products interact seamlessly with any devices, networks or interface.

The change in ShuttleOne’s focus and strategy was reflected to the world by a thorough rebranding exercise leading to the birth of ShuttleOne 2.0.

ShuttleOne Metachain Ecosystem So Far

A no-code single-API multichain aggregator bringing the DeFi multiverse together, ShuttleOne Metachain is an aggregator that uses a combination of AI and blockchain technologies to enable the creation of chain-agnostic dApps and Web3 solutions.

The Metachain

Metachain’s key features

With Metachain, one doesn’t have to worry about developing and deploying different versions of the same application on multiple blockchains to impart cross-chain capabilities to the project.

Metachain Token Bridge

Another first in the industry, the ShuttleOne Metachain Token Bridge that enables two-way bridging capabilities between multiple blockchains plays an important role in bringing together all prominent blockchains into the Metachain fold.

A snapshot of our ETH-BSC-Tezos bridge on Testnet

2021 witnessed ShuttleOne Bridge supporting three different blockchains — Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Tezos protocols. Further bolstering the capabilities of the ecosystem is the all-in-one Shuttle Wallet which allows users to manage all their crypto assets and participate in a range of DeFi activities.

$SZO Token Across 3 Networks

The ShuttleOne ecosystem is powered by its native token $SZO. In 2021, the ERC20 standard $SZO envisioned to fuel all transactions, across all blockchains through the Metachain expanded its presence beyond Ethereum to include Binance Smart Chain and Tezos Protocol.

ShuttlOne won the ASEAN Fintech Award 2021

In other notable developments during 2021, ShuttleOne holds the distinction of being the only crypto company to win the ASEAN Fintech Awad 2021 at the Singapore Fintech Festival held in November last year.

It also completed a successful IDO on Instaraise — the first of its kind launchpad and incubation platform on the Tezos ecosystem, paving way for the introduction of $SZO on Tezos protocol. All these developments also translated into an increase in the value of $SZO, which went up to 10x on BSC, thereby opening the doors for arbitrage across chains by the community members with the help of ShuttleOne Metachain Bridge.

2022 to be the Year of ShuttleOne Metachain Expansion

ShuttleOne’s upcoming roadmap

ShuttleOne focused its efforts during the best parts of 2021 in creating a solid foundation for the Metachain ecosystem. With the Metachain Bridge and Shuttle Wallet with DeFi capabilities in place, and the integration of three separate protocols with the Metachain infrastructure complete, the ShuttleOne team is now committed to driving the usability of its infrastructure for the crypto community’s benefit.

Q1 — Q2 2022

The starting point for growing the ShuttleOne ecosystem is providing the necessary tools to improve the usability of its infrastructure. Doing so will make it easier for the developer and crypto investor/trader community to interact with the ecosystem and leverage the advantages provided by ShuttleOne for their benefit.

In the coming months, ShuttleOne will develop and launch cross-chain tools for token utilities which includes the capability to mint, transfer, burn and lock tokens across protocols through the Metachain.

These tools support multi-chain tokens, where projects can build and launch on multiple chains at once. Getting these basic token utilities cross-chain will create opportunities like price arbitrage, bridge interoperability, and community building. By making tokens available cross-chain, crypto communities no longer being limited within one network.

Q3 2022

Come mid-2022, ShuttleOne with its cross-chain foundation will be available for retail users with an extensive list of cross-chain compatible dApps that can be readily used by the community. Along with its own suite of dApps, ShuttleOne will also open the decentralized app store to the entire developer community with the Metalink.

Metalink is a collection of developer tools to establish cross-chain connectivity by ShuttleOne. With Metalink, developers will be able to create tokens and build their projects on multiple chains and make it available to the growing cross-chain crypto users in Metachain.

Q4 2022

The growth of ShuttleOne decentralize app store will welcome more projects joining the ecosystem by listing their dApps, removing limitation of devices or networks from the user experience.

By the end of 2022, users can expect the ShuttleOne Metachain to support more blockchains, as the project inches closer to becoming the one true interface for all blockchains. Think of how Android ecosystem can run on different devices seamlessly.

Eventually, ShuttleOne aims to become the bridge that connects the blockchain ecosystems with existing traditional structures. By merging both realities, it will enable seamless flow of data and values, creating an ideal infrastructure on which the Web3.0 and Metaverse ecosystems will be able to thrive.

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