5 Creative Portrait Ideas

Ola Skiba
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2019

Meet 5 amazing photographers and their creative portrait ideas! Are you using any of these?

  1. Playing with the depth of fields!

Aayush Dalvi put the scarf in the foreground and the model in the background. This little trick creates the relation between the model and the photographer.

2. Show emotions with simple gestures!

Hanny BoBanny captured a simple gesture of a hand, to show the whole scale of emotions between the father and the baby. Smart and beautiful!

3. Use a close-up!

Capture a close-up of a model face. Let him or her look at the camera to create intimacy, just like in this eyecatching photo by Tasos Pap.

4. Create a natural frame!

Just like Ilya Yakover, create the natural frame around your model. Use leaves, door frames and other objects from your surrounding. Make sure, they fit with emotions in the frame and a model outfit.

5. Use one source of light

Carsten Belmondo is using the light of one lamp to create unusual shades on the model’s face.

How do you like our 5 Creative Portrait Ideas? What Portrait Photographers inspire you the most? Let us know in the comments!

Meanwhile, have you uploaded a new photo on Shuttout today? Continue your artistic adventure every day, to grow in your Photography Journey!

