Fast Charging Technology

How does it work?

S Shyam
Shyam Cortex
4 min readJun 29, 2021


Photo by Jeroen den Otter on Unsplash

Typical Charging Technology

So 3 years ago, we all pretty much had the same charger that puts out 1mA at 5V. Life was pretty simple back then because smartphones didn’t really have powerful SOC’s or high resolution, high refresh rate displays.

So here it is, we people don’t want our smartphones to drain out at the right moment of time when we need it the most. And Murphy’s Law acts upon us all the time when we needed the smartphone.

Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”

We spend at least a second daily thinking about charging our smartphones. We end up charging it up for like 2–3 hours daily to meet up our demands using it.

A regular smartphone which has 4000mAh* must be charged for about 2.5 to 3 hours for the smartphone to reach from 0- 100 % battery. *
*Depends on Smartphone brand

Typical chargers charge up your phone at a controlled, consistent pace. If the power flowing in is too quick, the battery could fry up and, if things go truly awry, it could fry your phone. So, right out of the box, how fast our phone can charge is limited by what its internal regulators allow.

So, we people think charging our phones for 5 minutes before we leave will make a difference. Hell yes, it makes a difference with Fast Charging Technology

Enter Fast Charging Technology!

Fast charging is an increasingly popular feature that allows you to power up your device in just a fraction of the time it takes to do it the old-fashioned way. But not all products use the same type of fast charging — and not all chargers support the various standards

Fast charging technology feature supported by some smartphones and tablets that can be powered up to a full day’s charge in 30 minutes. *

  • With phones packing in octa-core CPU’s, OLED high refresh rate displays, there’s only so much a smartphone battery can handle. So, one way to improve battery life would be to stuff the phone with a bigger battery. But that can’t be the exact solution.
  • So there comes quick charging or fast charging technology.
    This technology is one such method that the designers of the smartphone companies came up with to charge the mobile phone in quick time by feeding it with more Power (Voltage x Current).

Understanding Fast Charging

The output of a charge is measured in amperage and voltage. Amperage (or current) is the amount of electricity flowing from the battery to the connected device, while voltage is the strength of the electric current. Multiplying volts by amps gives you wattage, the measure of total power.

It’s a technology originally developed by Qualcomm which involves pumping in a phone’s battery with high power tool it reaches to about (60 per cent and then trickles charging it the rest of the way).

Now, this technology is also licensed by other OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) like Samsung, Moto, One plus, Asus, Oppo to name a few, who then go on to name their own marketing names like Moto’s Turbo Power or Samsung’s adapter fast charging and One plus’s Dash Charger.

When you’re using a Quick Charge 4 device, all you’re really doing is opening the door a little wider to let more power in. So basic concept is allowing more power to your smartphone, the faster the device charges.

So Samsung and Oneplus, use signalling tricks that would allow their chargers to communicate to their devices to let them know “Hey it’s okay to draw more power”.

Qualcomm’s Quick Charge is getting better every year — Source- GadgetMatch

What do you need for it to work??

So in order for quick charge to work, you’re gonna need 2 main things.
1. You need a compatible high-power adapter.
2. You also need a smart phone with necessary electrical circuitry on board to deliver the high power to the battery.

Charging phones. — Unsplash

Quick chargers can generate more heat. The more power you push through a device, the more stress it puts on a battery and the more heat it generates.
So to avoid this Qualcomm brings newer technology to reduce the heat dissipation.

OnePlus, for example, offers fast charging called Dash Charge. Instead of using higher voltage to power the battery faster, which heats up the phone, Dash charge uses higher current — which heats up the charger. In this system, the charger does the bulk of the work and allows the phone to stay a little cooler.

So its a bright future for battery technology :D

My story right now.

  • Got vaccinated! :)
  • Go right away and get vaccinated!
  • Stay safe, Take care!
  • Peace, Love and Gratitude

Shyam S

Thanks for reading.

Until next time



S Shyam
Shyam Cortex

Being Human | Electronics Enthusiast | Karma | Engineer | Maker | Believer |