Shyft DAO May Overview: Milestones, Marvels, and Major Moves 🚀

Shyft DAO
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2023

Hello, Chameleons! Moving through June, let’s see what has happened in the incredible month of May at Shyft DAO! Prepping for your early summer holiday. 🏝️ Wait, let’s check our phenomenal progress last month.

Ready? Let’s jump right in! 🏄🏻

Ambassador Program Turns Three Months 🎉

First things first, we’re celebrating a significant milestone — the first three months of our Ambassador Program!

We’ve been amazed by our ambassadors’ dedication, passion, and the impact our ambassadors have had on the community so far. You all are the real MVPs!

Website Liftoff 🌐

After much anticipation, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our newly revamped Shyft DAO website!

Our DAO wizards did fabulous and spell-binding work to deliver a visually appealing website packed with precious info and very colorful and user-friendly.

We hope you’ll love it as much as we do! Check it out if you haven’t already! 🚀

#DiscoverShyft Campaign 📣

May also marked the kickoff of our #DiscoverShyft campaign, which was met with incredible support from our DAO community.

Our enthusiastic ambassadors have been creating posts using the #DiscoverShyft, spreading the Shyft message far and wide. Our social media reach so far has been estimated at 241 465 people. 🙌🏼

Keep it up, and let’s make Shyft DAO more visible than ever! 💪

Anticipated Payments Distributed 💰

We know you’ve been eagerly awaiting this — the highly anticipated payments for the first three months have been distributed!

Thank you for your patience, and rest assured, your hard work and dedication have been recognized. Enjoy your well-deserved rewards!

Congratulations to Eben_Shyft 🎉

Finally, a massive round of applause for Eben_Shyft on being promoted to Senior Ambassador!

Your determination, initiative, and support in moderating have been invaluable to our community. We can’t wait to see the heights you’ll reach in this new role. Congrats!

And with that, we closed out May with gratitude and excitement. Your passion, dedication, and creativity inspire us daily, and we’re confident that we’ll reach even greater heights in June.

Stay tuned for more interesting, upbeat, and engaging updates, and as always, keep being the awesome Chameleons you are!


The Shyft DAO community is committed to building a decentralized, trustless ecosystem that empowers its members to collaborate and make decisions in a transparent and democratic manner. Our mission is to create a self-governed community that supports innovation, growth, and diversity while preserving the privacy and sovereignty of its users.

Join our Discord and follow us on Twitter and Medium for the latest Shyft DAO news.



Shyft DAO

Community Lead for the ShyftDAO | Managing all things ambassador program!