Introvert? Three Survival Strategies For The Holiday Season

Shyft Magazine
Shyft Magazine
1 min readDec 5, 2017


Many of us associate introversion with being painfully shy. But that isn’t always the case. Introverts can often be social and love time with other people. Generally speaking however, introverts tend to draw most of their energy from being alone, in quiet, restorative settings. When introverts do spend time with others or go to parties, they may need time afterwards to restore and recharge their batteries.

Most people are some combination of introversion and extroversion. But if you are someone who loves quiet mornings under the covers, solo reading time at your favorite coffee shop, or long, reflective walks in nature, the holidays might just be your worst nightmare. With the office party right around the corner, what is an introvert to do?

Here are three survival strategies to get you through the white elephant gift exchange:

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