Humans of Shyft Q&A: What does being fearless mean to you?

Shyft Network
Shyft Network
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2019

Last week, the team at Shyft attended this year’s Fintech and Funding Conference (FFCON) and participated in the Unlocking Global Growth panel, discussing the need for blockchain technology to intervene in the epidemic of data breaches.

The theme of #FFCON19 this year was Fearless, so we asked some key figures here at Shyft what it means to them being fearless in the blockchain industry, and how Shyft embodies this:

Juan Aja Aguinaco, COO

At Shyft, we’re breaking barriers and standing at the bleeding edge of technology; the only thing ahead of us is our vision and the fog of war. It’s natural to feel scared, but we have put together a team, and a company, that holds courage as a core value; my job is to remind us that we can push through the fear and achieve, to manage and control what we can, the “knowns”, and confront with courage what we don’t know; to make sure we learn from our mistakes and grow after facing every challenge that comes our way.

Suzanne Ennis, SVP, Global Partnerships

The more important an activity is to changing how things are done, the more resistance you will face. Being fearless is about continuing the pursuit in the face of that resistance, whether it takes the form of regulatory timidity or media stereotyping. It takes being fearless in the face of opposition to manifest and bring the right change to fruition.

In times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. It’s time to Shyft.

Michelle Beyo, CCO

For me, being fearless at Shyft as CCO has meant standing out in a crowd of over 1,000 successful women to share who Shyft is and explain blockchain to a non-technical crowd at the Leadership Summit. It’s important to me not only to be a strong advocate for the technology, but also to question the lack of balance and diversity in executive teams. No one wins when we narrow the possibilities for women.

Matt Gold, Legal Counsel

With blockchain and cryptocurrency still in its relative infancy, my goal as legal counsel is to help Shyft succeed in the face of an uncertain and constantly changing regulatory environment. Tackling these novel issues head-on requires a sense of fearlessness and willingness to face the unknown, and it is inspiring to see each member of the Shyft team display these traits every day.

We also wanted to share this quick quote from Safwan Zaheer of KPMG’s Keynote presentation at FFCON:

Technology and Fintech innovation is influencing the way banks will operate. Small changes happening now will have a big impact and disrupt the incumbents as we know them.

That’s the future we’re preparing for here at Shyft — fearlessly!


Shyft is the proof-of-sender protocol and credential verification network that enables organizations, institutions, and individuals to prove and verify identity credentials, ownership rights, and credibility between counterparties in real time and at scale. Find out more at

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Shyft Network
Shyft Network

Powering trust on the blockchain and economies of trust.