Leading Technologist Nilang Vyas Joins Shyft Network Core Team as Head of Technology

Nilang has developed identity and wallet-based products, built access management systems using Hyperledger products (i.e., Indy and Aries), and created low-cost on-demand scalable infrastructure.

Shyft Network
Shyft Network
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2022


Shyft Network, a public identity validation and compliance protocol, recently hired Nilang Vyas as Head of Technology. Nilang joins Shyft’s Core team at a time when the global crypto regulatory landscape is tightening amid turbulent market conditions, leading to high demand for crypto compliance products & services.

What Should You Know About Nilang?

With almost a decade-long experience in the tech domain, Nilang has played a key role in developing many successful products used by millions of users. Having completed his Computer Science education at McMaster University, Nilang began his professional career with Keyora Inc as a Front End Developer. He designed, developed, and provided support for Keyora’s client websites.

His tryst with the blockchain space began in late 2016 with Decentral Inc. as a Senior Full Stack Developer. At Decentral, he incorporated many crucial changes to its two flagship products, Jaxx wallet and Jaxx Liberty, such as integrating 50+ cryptocurrencies and design integration through coordination with different projects and communities. Nilang & his team also helped create the Jaxx Liberty backend that can enable public blockchain nodes to support 1.2 million users while depicting accurate balances & transactions and also trained developers to build and integrate features on Jaxx Liberty.

Nilang has an entrepreneurial flair, too, as he is also a Founder & Owner of Aspirations Technologies. He has developed identity and wallet-based products, built access management systems using Hyperledger products (i.e., Indy and Aries), and created low-cost on-demand scalable infrastructure, among other things, through his company.

About Shyft Network

Shyft Network is a public blockchain protocol designed to aggregate, embed, and leverage trust, validation, and discoverability to facilitate public and private data transfer between permissioned and permissionless networks. By encouraging individuals and enterprises to collaborate, Shyft Network successfully adds a layer of context on top of data, ultimately turning raw data into meaningful information.

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Shyft Network
Shyft Network

Powering trust on the blockchain and economies of trust.