Shyft Tech Update #4: End of 2018/Beginning of 2019

Shyft Network
Shyft Network
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2019

Hello, and welcome to our first Tech Update of 2019!

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season — we certainly did! Things are ramping up for all of our technical teams in anticipation of our mainnet launch, about which you can expect details in the near future. In the meantime, our developers have been making headway on some of the peskiest aspects of the network’s functionality.

  • In mid-December, we completed work on and tested the rollback functionality. This is a key function of the Bridge; in the case of a successful attack, the Bridge has the ability to revert the state of the chain to before the affected blocks were written. We’ve also been looking into specific testing for the network’s detection of and response to block withholding attacks.
  • We’ve been building out and testing cross-chain functionality between Shyft and the EOS platform, which will enable Shyft to interact with the eventual ecosystem of EOSIO Dapps. For the uninitiated, EOS is a “decentralized operating system” built on Ethereum. This process has required us to develop and write new, EOS-specific contracts.
  • Approaching the finish line on the Shyft Flight Deck, our smart contract deployment tool. We’re dipping our toes in actual deployment and ensuring that the UI is stable.
The Toronto crew at a town hall late in 2018.

We’re in the midst of finalizing decisions regarding the nature and timing of our token distribution strategy, as well as the few remaining technical and feature options for availability at launch. On a personal note, we couldn’t be more excited about working on Shyft tech, and we’re happy to answer questions and respond to feedback.

Stay tuned for more updates!


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Shyft Network
Shyft Network

Powering trust on the blockchain and economies of trust.