Veriscope Regulatory Recap — March 5th to March 18th

Shyft Network
Shyft Network
Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2024

Welcome to the Veriscope Regulatory Recap! In our latest edition, we delve into sweeping crypto regulatory updates worldwide, from Europe’s fresh stablecoin standards to the UK’s latest crypto compliance proposals, from Indonesia’s tech-forward finance guidelines to Nigeria’s firm stance on crypto operations within its borders. Let’s unpack the latest moves shaping the digital asset world.

Global Crypto Regulatory Shifts

The global regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies is undergoing significant transformations, driven by a common goal among nations to align digital asset markets with investor protection, financial stability, and anti-money laundering standards.

In Europe, the European Banking Authority (EBA) is focusing on new rules for stablecoins, which are digital currencies designed to have a stable value. These rules are part of a larger set of regulations known as MiCA.

Additionally, the UK treasury has proposed changes that could require stricter observation of crypto businesses to prevent money laundering. This means crypto companies might soon need to follow the same rules as traditional financial companies.

Over in Asia, Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (OJK) is setting guidelines for using new technology in finance, including crypto, starting in 2025. This is to ensure that innovations are safe for users and the market.

In Africa, Nigeria’s Securities Regulator is making it mandatory for crypto businesses to set up in the country if they want to operate there. They’re also raising the fees these companies need to pay. This move aims to give the Nigerian government more control over crypto activities.

EU Advances Crypto Regulation with New EBA Stablecoin Draft

The European Union is making significant progress in clarifying crypto regulations as the European Banking Authority (EBA) unveils draft requirements for stablecoins under the Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) framework.

This move, aimed at asset reference tokens (ARTs) capable of referencing a variety of currencies and assets, signifies a crucial step towards comprehensive crypto market regulation.

The potential impact on the crypto ecosystem is twofold. Positively, clearer regulations could enhance market confidence, attract more institutional investment, and foster a safer trading environment. Conversely, the stringent requirements might impose significant compliance costs, particularly affecting smaller entities, and potentially stifling innovation within the sector.

As the EU navigates the complex balance between innovation and regulation, the global crypto community watches closely, anticipating the ripple effects of these regulatory advancements.

UK Treasury Proposes Regulatory Refinement for Crypto Assets

The UK treasury’s latest consultation paper seeks to refine money laundering regulations, which will impact the crypto asset sector’s regulatory framework. The proposed changes, which build on the review of 2017’s Money Laundering Regulations (MLRs), indicate a shift towards integrating crypto assets more comprehensively within the UK’s financial regulatory system.

One of the pivotal changes includes bringing crypto asset service providers under the broader umbrella of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) supervision, eliminating the need for separate MLRs authorization. This move is set to extend the FCA’s oversight to new crypto-related activities, aligning MLRs requirements more closely with the Financial Services and Markets Act (FSMA) standards.

The impact on the crypto ecosystem could be profound. Although, these revisions promise to streamline the regulatory process, potentially making the UK a more attractive hub for crypto businesses by clarifying compliance pathways, there is downside to it as well. After all, the increased FCA oversight could introduce more stringent control and operational challenges for crypto firms, especially smaller ones struggling with the nuances of expanded regulatory requirements.

Interesting Reads

The Visual Guide on Global Crypto Regulatory Outlook 2024

A Guide to FATF Travel Rule Compliance in Estonia

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