Web3? Or Web Free?

Let’s face it, the internet has taken over our daily lives. We are addicted to the dopamine hits we get from using it daily. However, there are huge benefits like connecting to people, information, and resources globally. I am an advocate for a new type of internet, and no I don’t mean a new Instagram or Elon Musks' Twitter. I mean a whole new way of thinking, using, and interacting with the internet. As the web continues to advance we are at the brink of a new era: Web3. This new “web” is looking to change how we interact with the digital realm as we know it. I think that Web3 is the future and the people who grab it by the horns and use it to their advantage will be the new leaders.

Web3 is a decentralized web that operates on blockchain technology. This means that instead of relying on centralized servers to host and manage data, Web3 uses a distributed network of nodes that work together to maintain the network. In other words, Web3 is a web that is not controlled by any single entity but is rather owned and operated by its users, like a class group chat where everyone actually talks and adds value.

The Harvard Business Review suggests that Web3 “will correct the problems and perverse incentives of Web2.” Web2 is the internet as we know it today but it is due for a software update or even a hardware switch like someone switching from android to apple.

Source: Twitter @pathipati_raju

From my experience the current setup of the internet is flawed. We need more privacy, centralization, and freedom. All of which Web3 looks to solve and alleviate. We will be owners of the web and will create an internet that empowers and enables us to execute tasks efficiently with complete trust. Picture this: A world without borders, without intermediaries, without gatekeepers. A world where you have complete control over your data and your identity. A world where the power to create and share value is in your hands, not in the hands of a few big corporations. That world is Web3. It’s a world where the internet is not just a tool for communication, but a tool for empowerment. It’s a world where we can build decentralized applications that are transparent, secure, and open to all. It’s a world where we can create digital art that is not just beautiful, but also valuable. It’s a world where we can collaborate and cooperate without the need for trust. Web3 is not just a technology, it’s a mindset, a philosophy, and a movement. It’s a world where we can take back control of our lives and our futures. So let’s embrace this world, let’s build it together, and let’s make it a reality. The power is in our hands, and the possibilities are endless.

My personal experience with Web3 and specifically blockchain and cryptocurrency have been limited. I know the basics and the advantages offered but with school and sports, it has proven hard to really dig in and understand how I want to use these technologies to better my life. Nevertheless, I know its use cases and validity for the future of our society. Imagine an internet where everyone can take absolute ownership of their creativity, art, and finance using things like NFTs and crypto. It’s like an artist signed to a toxic label going independent and doing everything the label offered and more.

There are so many problems it could solve like an insanely clever mathematician who knows every solution to a Rubik’s cube. In a reading that was assigned in class in the early weeks, we saw all the potential ethical issues of information technology. Personal privacy, access rights, harmful actions, patents, copyright, trade secrets, liability, and piracy. Every single one of these issues can be solved by using Web3 technology in one way or another. Take a second to think about that and its sheer implications. Solving these problems could solve many of the modern-day mishaps that we blame on the internet.

A huge benefit of Web3 is that it will enable users to have more control over their personal data, eliminating the necessity for intermediaries and sharks like social media companies and data brokers. We all hear about Facebook and Instagram’s misuse of our data but we never sit down and talk about potential solutions. Web3 also has the potential to enable new forms of digital commerce, such as peer-to-peer marketplaces and micropayments, which could help to decentralize economic power and give more agency to individuals.

Sounds too good to be true? It isn’t, but it comes with its drawbacks. Many people find it too hard to understand compared to the current internet. I personally think nothing good comes easy and everything we see as normal now was once weird and complex, but we will have to see how the public reacts to the mainstream adaptiveness of this technology. Others say it has a lack of regulatory measures and that a truly free web should not be reliant on technology and should prioritize open access over decentralization. I would laughingly argue that that’s the whole point of Web3. We are controlled and constrained by regulations that simply aren’t good enough. Of course, there will be governmental control but we should ultimately have control over our creativity, information, and ideas.

With Web3’s decentralized architecture and peer-to-peer networking, it’s like a party where everyone brings their own snacks and drinks. You don’t need to rely on the one guy who always forgets to bring what everyone’s been waiting for! And if you think that’s impressive, wait until you see how fast it is. It’s like the Flash… on caffeine or Usain Bolt with a jetpack. Not only will you be faster on the internet, but you will also most likely be faster than most Web2 users. So why settle for Web2 when you can have Web3? Why talk to your ex when you can find your soulmate? It’s like upgrading from a flip phone to a smartphone, but instead of just making calls, you’re making bank. (a whole new box of business opportunities will be created).

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Web3 is not just a passing fad or a buzzword to throw around at parties. It’s a technological revolution that is transforming the way we interact with the world and with each other. With its promise of decentralization, transparency, and security, Web3 is the future of the internet, and we should all jump on board before it leaves us behind like a little kid racing his big sibling. With its trustless systems and immutable blockchain, you can be sure that your data and assets are safe and sound. We should embrace Web3, and together, let’s build a world where everyone has the power to create and share value without any middlemen getting in the way. All we need to do is jump on it as quickly as we swipe through TikTok or scroll through Instagram. Be a leader, after all, don’t you want to retire to your own private island, surrounded by the rich people you see in the movies? (That was a joke by the way.)

