skynet-js 4.1.0 Release!

Daniel Helm
The Sia Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2022

skynet-js 4.1.0 brings new power to Web3 apps built on Skynet.

It’s been a long time coming, but version 4 of skynet-js is out of beta! We've put a lot of work into improving our browser-focused SDK for all the builders creating webapps on Skynet, and this release brings lots of new possibilities to developers wanting to leverage decentralized storage and interoperable user data in their apps.

Some of the biggest features version 4 brings are:

  • User authentication with MySky, giving apps and users a shared personal cloud, without users needing to give any application their login keys.
  • Support for decentralized, client-side APIs using DACs
  • SkyDB v2 for additional speed and safety in writing to SkyDB
  • Support for large file uploads using our implementation of the TUS protocol
  • Support for Resolver Skylinks, enabling skylinks whose contents don’t have to be immutable
  • Automatic verification of registry proofs for a more secure exchange with portals

Among other improvements, version 4 brings these additional functions to skynet-js:

  • Better portal detection
  • Pinning of skyfiles by skylink
  • Enabling download progress indicators
  • Improved handling of async methods
  • Writing byte arrays directly to the registry
  • Additional consistency in naming standards
  • Cleaner and more intuitive function interfaces
  • Lots of conversion and helper utilities

For more information, check out the latest CHANGELOG and see the documentation on Upgrading from v3 to v4.

Originally published at on April 18, 2022.



Daniel Helm
The Sia Blog

Developer Relations at Scroll 📜 | prev. Skynet Labs