4 reasons why a custom software will help you grow your small business

Siam Computing
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2016

If you already own a company, chances are that you use a couple softwares for your day-to-day operations. Chances are, also, that you waste a bit of time juggling between these different softwares.

What if you want to grow your business ? Think twice before being sure the way that your operations flow is scalable. As you already know, we’re big advocates of process digitization. If your processes are standardized and if you have the mindset and the capabilities to standardize the way you solve new problems as they appear, then you will be more likely to grow in a smooth way. That’s why having a custom software fully tailored to your operations can lead you to interesting returns on investment, and relatively low amounts of risk.

Digitize Your Processes

Surely enough, just having a new gizmo won’t help you directly. In the very end, you still need to have some background and experience in the industry, a unique value proposition, an effective business model, and a large enough market size. But even if you have all this, when it comes to action, you critically need to have greatly designed operations to attain financial performance. If you’re able to show in a very transparent way why your business is actually performing well or not,then you’ll be confident to grow.

If you have such a software, it means you’ve found the way you function. It means you’ve tested, measured, learned and finally standardised the way you work to attain the highest level of operational efficiency. Hence, it also means this is not something you’re gonna be investing in in this future: you clearly state that you can focus 100% on the growth of your business.

Find Inspiration From The Leaders

Today’s best practices can not only be applied by leaders in the industry : this is the time whensmall businesses have plenty of opportunities to get their ideas to the next level thanks to technology and a bit of inspiration from the big players.

We worked with Grandeur Stay to build a management tool which greatly facilitates the way of managing a hostel, which is traditionally a very unorganized sector. When a customer wants to book a bed in one of their ladies hostels, she goes to the website, selects the bed she wants, enters her information and uploads her documents. Then, the manager of the hostel can get back to her after she checked if her papers were fine, to confirm that the bed is booked for her. She can them send her an email for her to pay the security deposit online, to confirm she actually comes.

Build Trust With Your Customers

User experience greatly helps building trust between the company and the guest ! A custom software makes the process actually very scalable because the manager knows what to do at each point in the process, which means she can focus on offering the best experience to the guests. Along with that, she can follow up their payments if they are late, and communicate with them via bulk emails in a stress-free manner. All these informations about the guests are stored in a secureplace in the cloud, which makes them available everywhere.

We believe this is a great example of a business who understood what digital transformation meant, by leveraging process digitization as one of its key operational advantages. They have everything it takes to grow their business : standardised, scalable and easy-to-apply processes, along with theactual capability to measure the performance of the hostels at the click of a button. They can now focus on growth very easily.

Build Trust With Your Stakeholders, And Grow!

The owners of the business can have an overview of the business at the click of a button, but why would it stop here ? The system can lead to a level of transparency at which any stakeholder would be able to login, to check the occupancy rates and the revenues of the hostels. The communication about Key Performance Indicators can even be automated, for instance through monthly emails with only relevant information. This way, everyone can save time and look in the same direction about the company’s current strategy. At such a point, the business owners have the possibility to skip the passive reporting phase, to proactively build a long-lasting relationship with their stakeholders. And, just focus on growth while operations just run!

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