How to make your MVP viable

Damien Peltier
Sicara's blog
Published in
2 min readNov 29, 2016


We build products everyday for our clients and for ourselves. We often deal with creating a Minimum Viable Product or MVP. But what is a MVP? How do you build a good one? Why is it useful?


When people talk about building a product, you often hear about POCs (proof of concept) or MVPs. But you may not know what it really means. If you are an entrepreneur with an idea, you first want to know if it solves a problem that matters to people. After that and if your idea does solve a problem worth solving, you want to know how you can address this problem in the most effective way. For that you can build a MVP.

Your MVP is not the product with the least number of features, nor is it the product with all the features half developed

The goal of the MVP is to build the first version of your product so you can get feedbacks from customers and improve it. Your MVP is not the product with the least number of features, nor is it the product with all the features half developed. Even if you have a lot of features in mind, your MVP should have the one feature that solves the problem and it should work flawlessly. The pyramids illustrates this clearly.




Damien Peltier
Sicara's blog

Full stack developer, startup enthusiast and lean learner. Currently working @theodo