Go less… be happier

The thought process

Ali Karbassi
I’m Sick of Your Face
3 min readFeb 23, 2016


At the end of 2015, one night Janeane and I sat in bed discussing what we want for 2016. Being the person I am, I gave her and I a small assignment; to write down 10 things we wanted in 2016.

This could be things we used to do, but lost touch with; could be things for the both of us or just ourselves; could be little things like cook more to big things like make a cool $1M.

A couple nights later we shared. Many things were little things we wanted to improve about ourselves, to reconnect with ourselves, to be better. A few were things we want to experience together.

A big one on both our lists was to travel a lot more. Cliché? Very. Do-able? Most definitely.

Pick and go!

Every morning, we’d get up and scour a few travel websites. Our favourite posted a deal we couldn’t pass up! Barbados! I take a look at the 2016 travel funds and see if it’s possible to budget this trip in. Easily.

For $250 round trip, this was too good to pass up!

Pick a date, a time, and forget about it.

Crap, we need to pack

The few days before the flight, we’re eager to head out of Chicago’s emo-weather, so we, separately, start making a list of things to pack.

Janeane goes to her favourite friend, Evernote. She writes everything in this little guy. To-dos, life thoughts, notes about her business. She even uses it as a daily calendar. To me, it’s magical how versatile she is with a simple note-taking app.

I, on the other hand, over-do it with a spreadsheet, with colour-coded packing status.

Packing light

With our packing lists done, it’s time to slim down. Pack and remove what you don’t need.

“It’s a one-week vacation. Let’s bring what we need.”

A little too much for a week long trip

As you can see, it’s not too much, but it included wants rather than just needs.

Since this was a vacation, not a travel/explore trip, I decided that it was okay to allow myself to pack the laptop and kindle. Many years ago I decided that all travel trips would require me to disconnect and push myself to explore.

Let’s see how this goes!



Ali Karbassi
I’m Sick of Your Face

List maker; List crosser-outer. Traveler. Photographer. Coder. Speaker. Founder & CEO of CoderDojoChi. Adjunct at IIT Institute of Design.