Internet can go ad free. The future of publishing and making profits.

Awesome Sid
Siddharth's Design Portfolio
4 min readApr 28, 2017

Ok, maybe not ad-free but less ads and more of quality ads.

Websites are free. But they work hard for the content. Most of the time, we just skim through content. They need to pay for the server costs, people who write for them, etc.

They earn through ads.

Ads are bad. As Chuck Palahniuk, says in his book — Fight Club…

“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need.”

But everyone needs money. Ads generate money. If you are willing to pay, a lot of websites won’t show ads, hence no trackers and so many good things will happen.

The practical impossibility is that, we can’t subscribe every news site out there.

So the solution?

Let’s say I have $10. 1 cent will go for every page that I read. Automatically. I would probably read 30 pages per day, that makes it 30 cents per day = $9 per month.

If I am a light reader, I would read 10 pages per day = 10 cents per day = $3 per month.

This, I think is very reasonable for me.

If 100 people use the same approach that I do, the article would get $1. Make than 1000 and it would be $10 per article.

Mix and mash this data and I believe that the media industry can get rid of ads and make a good profit out of it.

Only 3 month old articles can be changed. Weekly and monthly newsletters bring in traffic. Hence three months.

For medium, per every hundred reads it can pay the writer.

I don’t have the resources to build a system like this but if someone is ready to work with me, tweet to me @awesomesid :)

Read the entire approach below:

But they do have a very nice message asking you to pay. Sweet ❤️



Awesome Sid
Siddharth's Design Portfolio

Thinker. UX designer. Everything creative! Looking for UX designer/researcher jobs in Toronto.