Beyond The Infinite Two Minutes, An Amazing Time-Travel Story

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4 min readApr 3, 2022

Have you ever feel bored watching time-travel movies? Is it because of similar stories? Or probably because it’s too sophisticated that you can’t even enjoy it?

Sometimes, I felt that.

Time travel is a fascinating thing to be explored. And finally, I know I can say which time travel movie is my favorite. The title is Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes (Droste no hate de bokura ドロステのはてで僕ら). The premise is interesting:

Café owner Kato discovers that his monitor shows what will happen two minutes in the future. Another screen downstairs in his café shows the past of two minutes ago.

Two minutes from the future.

Only two minutes?

But, that’s what actually makes this movie exciting. Kato’s friend had an idea to put the “future” monitor and “past” monitor face-to-face. So, they can take a look further into both the future and the past. Creating the Droste effect of time. The Droste effect is the effect of a picture recursively appearing within itself, as shown in this gif.

Droste gif from

Enough with the premises, check out the movie trailer below:

My recommendation would be to get into the movie with minimal information as possible.

The less you know, the better. I bet you will enjoy it more.

This movie has that similar taste of mind-blowing creativity like One Cut Of The Dead by Shinichirou Ueda, but it’s more into comedic time-travel.

I would say it’s also the most creative time travel movie I have watched. It was shot mostly with phones with one-take style. I admire the simple yet smart screenplay by Makoto Ueda and creative direction by Junta Yamaguchi.

I would thank Ryan Adriandhy to point out this movie on his twitter!

I agree with him that this movie is charmingly genius. ❤


After this part is gonna be a mild spoiler.





You’ve been warned.

The UK distributor of this movie described it like this:

TENET on 1:1000 of its budget yet 1000x more fun!

I am 1000% agree on this. Haha. In just 70 minutes, you can enjoy a fun yet deep story about time. The main character, Kato, didn’t actually like the time travel thingy happening on his monitors. But, he just didn’t want to spoil his friends having fun. However, the problem that arises, thanks to his friends curiosities, is so human. We tend want to know a lot of thing and want to win more. As simple as winning lottery and to ensure our invitation for a date is accepted.

Or, to know which cryptocurrency will profit us more money in the near future.

But, if we really trust the future that is shown to us, then it means that the future is controlling us. Because we will be inclined to think that the prophecy must be happening.

It rises the question,

is the future predetermined?

Are our role already fixed in this world?


The question is actually the reason why Kato hates to learn about the future. Which he explains in a more random and comedic story in the movie.

Please watch it for yourself whenever you can. Haha.


Some more spoilers after this.


I really really like how the story reaches its climax conflict and how the resolution goes. The “action” felt natural yet fun. And for me, it’s a lovely twist to emphasize the idea that

small changes can rewrite the future.


I came to this movie for fun, but in some ways, I got a wonderful perspective about being present.


The movie ends with a lovely song by Volleyboys called Title Call.


I hope you can enjoy this movie!

I guess I know what physical stuff I am willing to add this year. Haha.

Let’s see how the future goes.

Hoping for the best and most fun future for them! Sign off!


