It’s Funny How Things Work Out

Side A
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2020

I’ve written about taking a step back few weeks ago. There is a belief that I wrote on that note, about understanding that it’s funny how things work out. It comes from the movie Forrest Gump. It may sounds cliche. But, looking to the past two decades of my life, maybe that’s how life is. We’re never really figure things out. Somehow, in a certain point of life, things will just work out. I know, we need to put on the work and not just being lazy.

2011, the photo is a meaningful personal collection.

There is a restaurant chain called Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. which is inspired by the movie. That photo was taken in 2011, in Bubba Gump Bali. I was having a great anniversary meal with my girlfriend. Sorry if it sounds corny. Ha-ha.

And now we’re still living together through various ups and downs.

Looking back, as long as my memory recalls, the year 2000 to 2001 (a decade before that photo was taken) was not easy for me. That was not really the year I learn how to look things positively and in a bigger picture. My life was dramatically changed in a relatively young age. A lot of things I don’t understand. I know I should be grateful that I still can continue school and have 3 meals a day.

Along the way, I got friends. Few, but true. I even met my life partner. If the year 2000 had not present me the change, it might be a different story for me. Maybe I don’t even meet any meaningful friends and life became dull.

Maybe, it’s really funny how things work out. And most of the time, I don’t really expect it and I don’t really understand it in the beginning. That’s why that quote hits me deeply. I can only see the dots get connected years later.

This year has been challenging and surprising as well. Probably for everyone. A lot of learnings for me in various aspects; physical, mental, and also financial.

Recently, I just read a beautiful piece written by Pope Francis in The New York Times. He wrote a meaningful wisdom:

…in every “stoppage”, what is revealed is what need to change: our lack of internal freedom, the idols we have been serving, the ideologies we have tried to live by, the relationships we have neglected.

This is a moment to dream big, to rethink our priorities — what we value, what we want, what we seek — and to commit to act in our daily life on what we have dreamed of.

As for me, this year is not cancelled.

It’s a blessed stoppage.

I acknowledge there are sad and emotional moments, but I choose to be grateful for this year. I know in the near future from now, I will be more grateful for what happened in 2020.

It’s funny how things work out.

