Work in Progress

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Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2021

Hi, how are you?

I hope you are doing well. At least for today.


At the moment, I feel like time goes by so fast. I often felt overwhelmed with the situation these days. Well, if I try to observe it, I guess this feeling might come from several rejections I’ve got this month. It’s not easy.

I know, that some part of me also believe that it’s funny how things work out later on. But, to be actually living on different season of life is truly challenging.

For anyone else whose also struggling, I can only hope that we can be a better person after we overcome this “stage” to step up to the next stage. I am not sure I am in the position to say to you to stay strong. Because, I also learn that sometime positivity can be out of tune. And advice is context-dependent.

It’s not a bad idea just to feel and acknowledge whatever you feel right now. At times, I also tried to write about it. Like what I’m doing today. Sometime, writing can be therapeutic.

I still do some scrolling here and there too on Twitter and Instagram. Trying to give me some small dose of dopamine. Trying to use the algorithm for a good deed. I know that those places will only as good as how we want to use them.

Recently, I stumble upon @LizAndMollie account. Liz and Mollie are friends who try to take an affectionate look at the emotions of work. They are also on Twitter and LinkedIn. By the time I write this at the end of April, I feel so grateful to see this post by them.

Source: @lizandmollie

They write on the caption:

Feeling low on bad days is okay.

Just don’t forget to look back on how far you’ve come.

Well, yeah, maybe that’s just what I need, or maybe also what you need right now.


But, there is another interesting thing about that illustration. Few days ago @LizAndMollie also shared on their Instagram stories a twist of that post that became popular on Reddit. The chart was flipped vertically to become this:

Source: Reddit r/ShittyLifeProTips

That twist actually make me laugh as well. I am grateful that I still can laugh too. Well, tragedy is a comedy in some ways. Being able to laugh on numerous “unfortunate” events together with my partner is also one of the great things that I’m grateful for.


Photo by Isis França on Unsplash

With all the ups and downs in 2021, I still manage to try to do some new things. Mainly related to the cycle of reading, thinking, and writing. I managed to stay consistent on my side project as well and keep trying to keep sharing good things to the world.


Back to the original post by @LizAndMolly, I know it’s not easy to balance the weight between “zooming out” and “micro-scoping” every moments in our life. But, it’s good to keep in mind that after all we are work in progress.

Let’s hope that the situation we are in right now helping us to progressing forward.

More about Liz and Mollie on their website. I hope I can get their book in Jakarta.

I wrote about it’s funny how things work out.

I learn that question is better than advice.



