As one chapter ends…

Amy Richards
Side-by-Side Innovation
3 min readFeb 18, 2022

When one chapter ends, it’s only natural to start reflecting. I joined Side-by-Side in July 2020, amidst the chaos that was lockdown 1. Joining a new role from home seemed so daunting at the time, but it’s become all we know. My first day at Side-by-Side I was greeted with such a warm and friendly welcome, I knew I’d make a good choice.

The last 18 months have been amazing, there’s been highs and lows and so much variety in my day-to-day job that it’s kept me busy and challenged through what has been a weird time in the world. As someone who is known to be quite restless the nature of the work at SBS and the variety is what I’ve loved the most. One day I would be working alongside design specialists building the Side-by-Side brand and the next I’d be digging into the state of care in Wales. I’ve had the privilege of working alongside some incredibly smart and creative people that have really pushed me and my thinking, and also put my design skills to great use.

And as everyone loves a countdown, in my final few days at SBS here’s my top 3 things to expect if you’re lucky enough to join Side-by-Side:

1.There is no such thing as a stupid idea when it comes to research — Covid meant the traditional methods of research just weren’t possible, we couldn’t get in to care homes and trying to get any sort of engagement in 2020 was tough. If we’d have sat around and not been creative about our approach, we’d probably still be staring at a blank screen. What’s great about the role is you design the research, so be creative! I set up projects alongside primary schools using Minecraft to design the future care homes and design students running a 24-hour design and research challenge.

2. Innovation isn’t easy, so make some friends along the way — any decent innovator knows they can’t do it all. As much as our skills are super varied and there’s going to be times when you need some extra help and that’s ok. We couldn’t have made the big steps forward in Period Poverty without the likes of Frame CIC and TOTM. As someone who has no idea how to use minecraft, that project wouldn’t be possible without Technocamps. And our sustainable living project wouldn’t be what it is without Hubbub. So make friends and work with others.

3. Use Hafod’s great resources — the unique part about SBS is it’s part of one of the biggest care and housing associations in Wales, Hafod. And with that comes some great resources. You’ll have a whole load of amazing people right at your finger tips, with experience from all across the sector. We’re learning quickly where those golden nuggets are, and having people in each department to help you out when you need it is going to be key.

So if you want to join an organisation that’s going to make a difference, you’re creative, passionate about making services better for people that use them, then drop the team a message and let’s chat!



Amy Richards
Side-by-Side Innovation

Service Designer at Side-by-Side Innovation. Powered by Hafod.