How to Get Lucky

And change your destiny.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
The Side Hustle School


I’m terrible at math, but there’s something I remember about the chapter on probability in high school. Something like — chances are higher with higher occurrences.

I forgot about it completely until the pandemic when I wanted to build a brand online to quit my 9–5 and become a full-time writer. I started studying top writers and analysed their blueprints.

They weren't lucky at all.

Most of them showed up a lot for a damn long time to be where they are today. But nobody sees online personalities that way because we see them where they are right now and overlook what they did to reach here.

So here’s a little something on how to get lucky.

The Obvious One — Showing Up

There’s no way around this, no shortcuts. Some tricks may help you for a while, but that high is short-lived. Following trends may give you likes and followers but won’t build a genuine audience because you won’t be known for anything.

Show up and put stuff out there consistently.

Un-Common Sense

A common statement I hear is

“I’ve been showing up for months, and I’m not getting traction.”



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