I Quit My 9–5 to Write a Year Ago. Here’s How It’s Been.

The surprises and disappointments.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
The Side Hustle School


Image by the author. (This isn’t her car btw)

A year ago this time, I was so terribly nervous. The one silicon valley millionaire who I was freelancing exclusively for, ghosted me.

Which was weird.

Because I thought we’re more than just a client and a ghostwriter. He mentored me and taught me lessons from his journey of building multiple startups so I can avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Of course, I was smart enough to have another person in the pipeline. You know, just in case I need more work. But after 3 months of speaking to me, they quoted me a low AF rate, and it all fell apart.

So when my 90-day notice period ended, I was left with zero clients to fall back on and crippled in anxiety.

But something in my heart still felt it’s the right decision.

It took me ten months of side hustling to quit my job.

Before that, I was just telling everybody around me I’ll quit one day and everyone passed it off as a phase. Because a year before that as well I wanted to quit to do something of my own. I just didn’t know what.

I wasn’t frustrated with the corporate sector or something.

