I’m Kinda Stepping Away From Writing

(and getting married)

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi
The Side Hustle School


Image by the author

Hi friend,

So it’s time for me to take a break, again.

This time, it’s something I’ve dreamt of since a little girl.

I’m getting married.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve wanted to get married.

As a little girl, I’ve always wanted to be dressed in a traditional Indian lehenga and feel like a princess as I enter with all eyes on me. It’s all so exciting!

But there’s a story to it.

When I was a kid and I’d experience some turbulence, I’d long to be in a home that I create which wasn’t this way.

Where two people are in love, where they don’t fight, and where we make time for each other. When I’d see my friends go on family holidays, I’d feel I wish I could do this too.

You could take all the international holidays I had growing up, but give me a family where the three of us stay together and have fun. I’d trade it in a heartbeat.

Maybe this is the reason that regardless of my money-loving entrepreneurial mindset, I can never put relationships before work or money. I want to do everything in my capacity to make things work because I want a happy home, so bad.

