How Etsy Fees Work

Side Hustle Journeys
6 min readDec 27, 2022


And what that means for your pricing strategy.

Etsy fees — desk with laptop, glasses and flowers.

If you have an Etsy shop, you need to understand the structure behind Etsy fees.

Why? Because the fee structure on Etsy could — and should — influence your pricing strategy and how you think about your own prices.

Let’s dive right in, and start with considering the three types of fees you need to calculate when you are selling on Etsy:

Listing fees

Listing fees are flat for every listing you make, at USD 0.20 (taxes may apply in addition to this, depending on your country). These fees are non-refundable. That means that as long as you publish the listing, you have to pay the fee — even if nobody purchases the product.

Once paid, the listing will be live for four months. After that period, you will need to renew the listing and pay a new listing fee.

Etsy has an automatic renew-feature, where you can list multiple items of the same product. If you are selling digital products, this is very practical, as there will always be more products available. When a product is sold, the listing renews automatically — and you are deducted for a new listing fee of $0.20 (so even if you make the listing for 99 products, you only pay for one at the time).



Side Hustle Journeys

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