I rejoined the big money $1000 club on Medium in Month 7

J.J. Money
Side Hustling
Published in
6 min readMay 24, 2023


In my 6th month on Medium, after posting consecutive $1000+ months on the platform, I saw a face-melting 40% percent drop in earnings.

While I was confident I could get things turned around, you never know for sure until the rubber hits the road, right?

Distracted by side projects and, to be honest, laziness and poor planning, for two consecutive months, I finally paid the price in February.

My earnings at my main account James Julian dropped from an impressive $1,235.40, my biggest month ever, to $1032.96, and then all the way down to $543.13. Ouch!

Pop n’ drop (author’s image)

As I wrote here and explained in the below YouTube video, I knew this reckoning was coming.

Still, it wasn’t fun to experience.

I’d come to enjoy the extra money, which I immediately plow into a tax shelter and invest in the stock market.

So, how did I turn my crappiest month in ages back into this:



J.J. Money
Side Hustling

Former journalist who writes about making money online, investing, and passive income. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC1k_0PYxesTxiD_QmjPp6w