CivTech Weeks #9–10: All systems go!

Michael Devlin
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2021

The new Citizens Advice Scotland Helpline AI system is ready to test out. Here’s what makes it cool:

  • A friendly interaction with a Scottish voice — user testing showed this is important
  • A choice of up to four bureaux to be routed to
  • An SMS option that sends the bureau locator website directly to your mobile, as a fallback

We took on board user feedback when considering these points. We’d love it if our readers (both of them) could spare two minutes to trial and train the new version. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Dial +44 7862 132 627
  2. Follow the instructions.
  3. Let us know in the comments (or email your thoughts. Does it direct you to a sensible Citizens Advice Bureau? Does anything go wrong? How could it be improved?

The magic thing about AI is that every call improves the accuracy of the system. Scottish accents are notoriously hard for voice AI — so we’d love your accent to help us improve the system.

We’re hoping your experience with the system proves it to be cool 😎

