SIDE hike day photo-log: Newhaven to Brighton

Every three months, on the last Friday of the month, we go on a team hike. On Friday 25th March, we went on our first hike.

Elizabeth Rose
3 min readApr 6, 2022


🚂 The train to Newhaven

The team met at 8:30am at Victoria. We grabbed breakfast — fruit, smoothies, toasted sandwiches — yum! Accompanied by lots of chit-chat and beautiful views.

🥾 The walk: Newhaven to Brighton

Jumping off the train at Newhaven we were ready for our 10km walk. We were rearing to go with lots of buzz, our agenda included…

  • Who can kick the ball the furthest? (Noam won this one)
  • Who can find the pebble shaped like a skull? (well done Shivy)
  • Who can do the best graffiti? (everyone!)

Quite a productive day for SIDE, I’d say 😁

🔋 The pit stop

We were a 1/3 of the way through. A fresh sandwich, home-made flapjacks and sunbathe were much needed. Here we came up with a theory that foods that resemble parts of your body must be good for that part of your body.

Here goes:

Walnuts look like lungs so they must be good for the lungs… so of course if wotsits look like eyebrows they must be good for your eyebrows. You can thank us for your eyebrows later.

After some more silly-but-important chit-chat, we were on our way. Fish & chips awaited us at Brighton (or what got us through to the end).

🐟🍟 Lunch on Brighton beach (and a swim)

We made it! 5 hours later we headed straight to grab some tasty local grub and it was worth the wait. We only got a few photos here though, everyone was too busy eating and catching the rays… well apart from Andy who was brave enough to go for a quick swim.

🗓 For our next Hike

On the way home, we drew straws to see who would organise our next hike. It was Shivy — we can’t wait to see where we explore next! ☀️

