Keeping Score: Simplifying NBA Top Shot Collector Score

Published in
6 min readNov 11, 2021

TL;DR: If the NBA Top Shot ecosystem is a game, then Collector Score(s) are the points. Understanding and calculating Collector Score can be confusing, hopefully this blog will help you.

What is Collector Score?

Collector Score is the point system attached to each Moment. A user’s total Collector Score can be calculated by adding the points associated with each Moment in their account. Dapper uses Collector Score to identify and reward active participants in the NBA Top Shot ecosystem. Those rewards currently include priority access to pack drops, but in the future could include access to merchandise, tickets, trips, or player interactions.

Cool, so what’s the problem?

Collector Score is confusing.

Why is it confusing?

There are three main reasons why I believe Collector Score is confusing.

1) Collector Score is constantly evolving, there is no consistent single point of reference/truth and details are scattered across various blogs. For example:

Collector Score For Series 3 (Published Nov 3, 2021 / Updated Nov 8, 2021)

WNBA 2021 Fandom Set Update (Published Nov 7, 2021)

Collector Score Bonuses/Drop Bonuses (Published ? / Updated Nov 4, 2021)

All Things Collector Score (Published Jun 25, 2021 / Updated Nov 4, 2021)

Introducing Collector Score (Published May 7, 2021 / Updated Jun 21, 2021)

Holo Icon (Published Jun 10, 2021 / Updated Jun 15, 2021)

2) The Collector Score point details are presented unintuitively in long lists instead of a simple reference table and/or a simple calculator.

3) There are no clear examples of how to calculate Collector Score.

Collector Score Simplified (kinda):

I have created a nicely formatted Collector Score table to easily reference the default score (blue) and bonus score (green) for any Moment.

In addition to the Collector Score table, here is a Completion Bonus Multipliers table that explains where/when bonus multiplier bonuses apply.

Sweet tables bro

Let’s talk simple math and how to calculate Collector Score (CS).

In general, you can calculate Collector Score by adding default score (blue) with all bonuses (green).

The long version is:

default score + challenge completion & hold bonus + complete Set bonus + complete Series Team bonus + complete Full Team (for all Series) = total score

Let’s run through four examples, one from each Series:

In all examples, we must first identify the Series, Tier, and Moment Type (Reward or Standard/Non-Reward) in order to find the relevant default score and any potential bonuses that accompany it. I have decided to ignore stacking to simplify the calculations.

Example 1

Nikola Jokić, First Round, Rare, Series 1

Since First Round is a Rare set, and since Nikola Jokić is a Reward Moment, then we can see that the default score for this Moment is 150 CS but also has an accompanying 50 CS bonus if you completed the original challenge and still hold the moment (let’s assume you are still holding).

Now let’s pretend that you own the complete First Round Set and have a complete Series 1 Denver Nuggets Team. Then you would quality for the above two bonuses circled. To calculate each bonus, you need to multiply the bonus multiplier with the default score of the Moment.

complete First Round Set bonus = 1.0 x 150 CS = 150 CS
complete Series 1 Denver Nuggets Team bonus = 0.5 x 150 CS = 75 CS

Our final CS total for this Moment will be:
= 150 + 50 + 150 + 75
= 425 CS

Example 2

Terance Mann, 2021 NBA Playoffs, Common, Series 2

Since 2021 NBA Playoffs is a Non-Base Common set, and since Terance Mann is a Standard Moment (ie. is not a reward), then we can see that the default score for this Moment is 20 CS and there is no accompanying CS bonus.

Now let’s pretend that you own the complete 2021 NBA Playoffs Set, have a complete Series 2 LA Clippers Team, and have a complete LA Clippers Full Team (for all Series). Then you would quality for the above three bonuses circled. To calculate each bonus, you need to multiply the bonus multiplier with the default score of the Moment.

complete 2021 NBA Playoffs Set bonus = 1.0 x 20 CS = 20 CS
complete Series 2 LA Clippers Team bonus = 0.5 x 20 CS = 10 CS
complete LA Clippers Full Team (for all Series) = 1.5 x 20 CS = 30 CS

Our final CS total for this Moment will be:
= 20 + 20 + 10 + 30
= 80 CS

Example 3

A’ja Wilson (Reward), WNBA 2021, Fandom, Summer 2021

Since WNBA 2021 is a Fandom set, and since A’ja Wilson is a Reward Moment, then we can see that the default score for this Moment is 30 CS but also has an accompanying 45 CS bonus if you completed the original challenge and still hold the moment (let’s assume you are still holding).

Now let’s pretend that you do not own the full set. Since the WNBA has no team bonuses (circled) for Summer 2021, there are is nothing here to add.

Our final CS total for this Moment will be:
= 30 + 45
= 75 CS

Example 4

Precious Achiuwa, Base Set, Common, Series 3

Since 2021 Base Set is a Common set, and since Precious Achiuwa is a Standard Moment (ie. is not a reward), then we can see that the default score for this Moment is 2 CS and there is no accompanying CS bonus.

Now let’s pretend that you own the a complete Series 3 Toronto Raptors Team, and have a complete Toronto Raptors Full Team (for all Series). Then you would quality for the above two bonuses circled. To calculate each bonus, you need to multiply the bonus multiplier with the default score of the Moment.

complete Series 3 Toronto Raptors Team bonus = 0.5 x 2 CS = 1 CS
complete Toronto Raptors Full Team (for all Series) = 1.5 x 2 CS = 3 CS

Our final CS total for this Moment will be:
= 2 + 1 + 3
= 6 CS


That’s all for now. Hopefully you didn’t get lost, and Collector Score is a little easier to calculate. Once you understand it, I don’t think Collector Score is difficult to calculate, it just takes time to do the work. I will continue to refine tables and examples here (and Twitter @intangible_eth) over time. Thanks for reading.




Avid @nbatopshot collector and NFT enthusiast. Find me on Twitter @intangible_eth