Up in the Air: Exploring the importance of the coin toss in ODI cricket

Sideline Strategists
6 min readOct 7, 2023

The flip of a coin soars into the air, marking the beginning of a cricket match. It seems like a small moment, but it can play a big role in the game. The winning captain gets to choose to bat or bowl first, a decision that can sometimes set the tone for the entire match. But does winning the toss actually lead to a higher chance of winning the game? We’ve looked into over 20 years of cricket data to find out. Let’s explore the numbers and see if games can be won or lost by the simple flip of a coin.


Before we delve into the detailed findings, it’s essential to outline the assumptions and data sources that form the basis of our analysis

We sourced our data from Cricinfo, encompassing all ODI matches from January 1, 2000, to September 9, 2023. This extensive dataset allows us to explore the evolving trends and patterns in ODI cricket over two decades.

Our focus is on matches with a definitive outcome. We’ve excluded games that ended in a draw and those that were abandoned due to rain or other reasons. This ensures that our analysis is focused and our conclusions are clear and actionable.

With this foundation laid, let’s dive into the data and uncover the hidden narratives woven into every coin toss and match outcome.

Overall Effect of the Coin Toss

In the selected period, 2932 ODI games were played. A close examination of the outcomes reveals a nearly even split: teams that won the toss secured victory in 1486 matches, while those that lost the toss triumphed in 1446 games. This translates to a 50.68% win rate for teams winning the toss — a statistic that doesn’t significantly tilt the scale in favor of either outcome.

A closer look at each year from 2000 to 2023 provides a more granular perspective. Over these 24 years, the influence of the coin toss appears to be evenly balanced. In 11 of those years, teams that won the toss had a win rate slightly exceeding 50%. Conversely, in the other 13 years, the win rate for toss-winning teams fell below 50%. This balanced distribution further emphasizes the absence of a correlation between winning the toss and securing a match victory.

However, an intriguing dip in win percentage emerged between 2014 and 2019 suggesting it might have been more advantageous to lose the toss during this period. However, it could just be a random blip and nothing substantial.

Impact of Coin Toss Decision on result

We extended our analysis to explore whether the captain’s decision post-toss (to bat or bowl first) sways the game’s outcome. The data reveals a subtle, yet not significant, lean towards teams choosing to bowl first. They clinched victory 52% of the time, while teams opting to bat first after winning the toss secured wins 49% of the time. At first glance, the difference is marginal.

However, a year-by-year breakdown from 2000 to 2023 unveils a more nuanced narrative. Although the overall percentages are neck-and-neck, a deeper dive into the annual data reveals an interesting pattern. In 17 out of the 24 years analyzed, teams that won the toss and chose to bowl first enjoyed a higher win rate than teams that chose to bat first.

Impact on Day Games vs. Day/Night Games

We expanded our analysis to discern the toss’s influence in different settings — specifically, comparing Day games to Day/Night encounters. There is an interesting difference that seems to emerge for day matches, where chasing seems to yield much better results for teams winning the toss. But in day-night games, the difference between batting first and chasing is marginal.

Day Games Analysis

In Day games, the data unveils a pronounced trend. Over the 24 years from 2000 to 2023, teams that won the toss and opted to bowl first in Day games boasted a better winning percentage in 19 years. This significant tilt towards bowling first is a compelling insight, underscoring a strategic advantage aligned with the specific conditions of Day games. To put it in numbers, the win percentage for teams bowling first in Day games stands at 52%, while for those batting first, it is 43%.

Day/Night Games Analysis

For Day/Night games, one might anticipate a similar trend, given the common perception of the dew factor favoring the team bowling first. However, the data tells a different story. The 24-year span presents an equal split: in 12 instances, teams that won the toss and batted first in Day/Night games had a higher winning percentage, and in another 12, the advantage swung to the teams bowling first. In terms of aggregate values, the win percentage for teams that won the toss and bowling first in Day/Night games is 52%, while teams batting first have a slightly higher win percentage at 54%.

Winning Percentages by Ground Type

Our analysis extends to explore the influence of the toss in varied settings — home, away, and neutral venues. We aimed to uncover how winning the toss at these different locations impacts the game’s outcome.

Home Advantage

Teams that won the toss at their home grounds capitalized on their familiarity with the conditions, securing victories in 59.5% of the matches. This underscores the potent combination of winning the toss and playing in familiar territory.

Away and Neutral Grounds

Conversely, away teams who won the toss found the victory podium in only 41.37% of the matches, highlighting the challenges of adapting to foreign conditions, even with the toss in their favor. At neutral venues, the toss-winning teams notched a win percentage of 50.69%, indicating that the toss’s influence is somewhat muted when both teams are navigating unfamiliar terrain.

Yearly Trends

A yearly breakdown from 2000 to 2023 reveals a consistent pattern. Toss-winning home teams maintained a win percentage above 50% in 19 out of the 24 years, underscoring the enduring advantage of playing at home. In stark contrast, away teams who won the toss surpassed the 50% win mark in just 5 years, illuminating the uphill battle faced by visiting squads.


As we conclude our analysis of the correlation between the coin toss and match outcomes in ODI cricket, it’s clear that the toss isn’t a dominant factor in determining the game’s result on a broad scale.

Yet, a closer look reveals specific scenarios where the toss’s influence is more pronounced:

  • The toss’s impact on a team’s win percentage varies with the venue: it’s typically highest when playing at home, diminishes when playing away, and levels off at neutral grounds, as evidenced by historical win percentages. This is not a mere observational occurrence but is statistically substantiated, implying that the venue does indeed intertwine with the fate carved out by the coin toss.
  • In day games, teams that win the toss and opt to bowl first, thus taking up the chase, tend to have a higher win rate compared to those choosing to bat first. This pattern is not a random occurrence but is statistically significant, suggesting a tangible link between the daylight, decision to chase, and the probability of clinching victory.

