iOS developer nanodegree at Udacity: Project 1 Pitch Perfect

Sidenotes on my way to iOS developer
3 min readFeb 29, 2016

Unlike section-based, video-guided tutorial like those provided at CodeSchool, the nanodegree from Udacity is more of a curated list of projects, completed in different courses in a sequence.

The first one is called Pitch Perfect. Served as an introductory course to the degree, it’s fairly simple and basically a “do as you are told” project. Still, there are several things that worth noting — partly because the tutor deliberately want us to google our way out instead of handing us everything. Like it or not, here are a list of resources related to all the obstacles that I encountered.

Here is a text based tutorial that guides you through the entire course (the server seems dead):

Another tutorial for beginners:

Display the images in the assets:

Here is one that uses GIFs to illustrate the process of adding all kinds of image assets:


Some interesting ideas on how to implement the sound effects:

This guy manually implemented the required Reverb/Echo sound effect instead of using internal functions (and gets credit from Udacity!):

This is simple, don’t know why I didn’t think of it before I fed it in to Google:

This popped up when I was trying to change the button image after the sound file finishes playing:

And finally, you have to check these out if you also use Git:

Go check them out. You will laugh, I promise.

The source code of this project is hosted on Github:

*Chinese version is here:



Sidenotes on my way to iOS developer

Productivity nuts, learning Robotics on @Udacity and everywhere else. Write personal thoughts on those two topics.