Side Project Idea: How to make a podcast

Sideproject Launcher
2 min readJun 5, 2017

First guide to record your podcast

Still procrastinate? how about try to find simple side project idea to working on. For instance, Writing, podcast or Vlog. Those you can working on right away directly from your phone. I’m not saying you can just record your podcast or Vlog in limitless way but what i’m trying to say, just record your podcast with anything that beside you and polished later on.

There are some people comfortable in writing and there are some people more comfortable in talking. And you can listen anything almost while do other stuff, meanwhile writing or watching you need to set a time to do so. You can reach more promising audience or customer and client with got into podcast.

Podcasting is the new marketing. Creating podcast about your stuff giving you access to highlight your expertise, services and skills in your industry. That you can use as a selling point to a new kind of target audience. You also can promote your stuff without feeling too sleazy.

If you create a podcast which is engaging, interesting and listenable, your audience will listen till the end and you can take a few minute as a short advertisement. You can generate revenue through commercial advertising. Since you had regularly listener tune in your podcast, they tend to built loyalty to you when you’re about to launch or offer something you create.

Like another side project, the idea of your podcast should be the thing that you expert or passion with. So, you’re not lost interest when doing it. Even when you’re not having the traction you want. Try simple idea, record while you making dinner, on commute, on events or doing AMA.

If you’re looking for equipment, how to record and audio technical, you might wanna check this complete guide. Tips about topic, narrow it and find your niche. Just like blog, there are tons of podcast out there. Find an angle that’s personally interesting and you’ll better off.

I’m a big fan of podcast. It’s sometimes giving me support to be better person everyday. Since my professional job was a designer, content that I heard and love to know is around design, technology and entrepreneurship.

Here’s the list podcast I ever heard in a years till now as an inspirations:
Design Details
Design tips, design process and design product.
The Rocketship
Mostly business stuff, productivity, funding, market research and marketing.
The Freelancer
All about creativity and commerce.
Design and development.
Unfinished business
Discussing overall business.

If you consider podcast as your side project, go for it without feel overwhelmed with lots of podcast available. Furthermore you building more audience for your future product launching while making your own brand stand out.

Stay tune for the next article ;)

Originally published on Side project Launcher.

