Comment Streaks, Leaderboard Improvements + More

Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2019

Today we’re rolling out a massive update that amplifies our push towards gamifying

# Comment Streaks

Comment streaks in action

This one’s fun! It’s actually something we had planned on implementing for a while now and we just got around to it.

SideProjects at its core is a platform for not only posting side projects, but for giving and receiving feedback and we want to cultivate a community that does just that. We figured that “gamifying” SP might incentivize competition between users and encourage them to actively contribute.

To start a streak, you have to comment on a post at least once a day. If you miss a day, you lose your streak and would consequently have to restart. The top 15 users will be displayed on the Comment Streak module. The higher your streak, the higher you’ll be placed on that module. Personal streaks will be displayed on user profiles soon.

To clarify: Comment Streaks aren’t based on how many comments you give, but rather if you’re consistent with commenting/giving feedback daily.

# Leaderboard

We’ve been beta testing it for a few weeks and we’re finally ready to phase it out of beta! The leaderboard will now reset every week and will display the top 5 users of that week — sorting them based on activity (and yes, Donji is there twice because he had 2 accounts 😂)

Both of these updates are yet to be pushed to mobile yet as we’re still trying to figure out how to display things without overcrowding the mobile version.

Personalize Your Profile

You can now add a visible bio, link to twitter profile, as well as a link to your website on your profile! More customizations will become available in the future as we work on improving profiles and the site overall.

Final Thoughts

We want to put a unique spin on our platform by making it a fun and welcoming place for both new and recurring users. Our move towards gamifying SP will hopefully help us capitalize on our efforts towards making the site more intuitive and engaging. We’re always welcoming new ideas and if you have any, feel free to shoot me an email via

Thank you for being a part of the community, and if you still aren’t — go ahead and sign up :)

Sakun (@sakofchit)

