Get Ready! The SIDUS ACADEMY COLLECTION Presale Starts on January 6th

Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2022

The SIDUS HEROES community is preparing for an exciting event that will get everyone all set up for the game and its endless adventures and earning opportunities — the presale of the SIDUS ACADEMY collection. The NFTs from the collection are effectively tickets to the gaming metaverse and the rarity level of each NFT predetermines what features each character has.

Discover what SIDUS ACADEMY NFTs are and what features they will unlock. The event is scheduled for January 6th and will last from 03:00 UTC till 18:00 UTC on the site. How the Presale Will Go and How to Get the Most Out of It.

To secure yourself a spot among the first settlers of SIDUS city, take part in the SIDUS ACADEMY (NEW COLLECTION) presale. The number of NFTs available for purchase will be limited.

The SIDUS ACADEMY COLLECTION presale will start on January 6th at 03:00 UTC and will close at 18:00 UTC. If the demand for ACADEMY Cards exceeds expectations, the presale will end earlier. The public sale of the collection will only take place if there are NFTs left after the presale. Don’t waste a minute!

The SIDUS ACADEMY NFTs available for purchase have 3 rarity levels — Common, Epic and Legendary. The sale will be conducted in SIDUS tokens, so make sure you have some on your balance:

1 Common Academy Hero costs 700 SIDUS TOKENS

1 Epic Academy Hero costs 14,000 SIDUS TOKENS

1 Legendary Academy Hero costs 140,000 SIDUS TOKENS

To give more users the chance to grab some of these NFTs, each user will be able to purchase a maximum of 10 Academy NFTs (of any rarity) per 1 wallet.

Have SIDUS on your balance, decide on what NFTs you want to have on your team and see you on January 6th!

NFTs you buy on January 6th will be available for claiming on January 12th on the official SIDUS HEROES website. More details are coming soon!

Common, Epic, Legendary… What Card to Choose?

The SIDUS ACADEMY NFTs available for purchase have 3 rarity levels — Common, Epic and Legendary. The card’s rarity determines what features each in-game character has.

Think about what features you value the most and which ones will make your gameplay the most productive and effective. That will help you to choose between Common, Epic and Legendary or you could create your own perfect blend of all three.

Timeline of the Event

Here’s a small recap of what to expect and how to get ready.

  • The SIDUS ACADEMY presale starts on January 6th at 03:00 UTC and will go on until 18:00 UTC. The sales will be carried out in SIDUS tokens, so make sure you have enough in your wallet. SIDUS tokens are available for purchase on Uniswap DEX, CEX, DEX Tools, AscendEX, or they can be swapped directly within a MetaMask wallet. Please remember that all transactions take a commission.
  • On January 12th, you will be able to claim your SIDUS ACADEMY NFTs on the SIDUS HEROES website.
  • On January 23rd, the public beta version of the SIDUS HEROES game will open up to all SIDUS ACADEMY holders.

Learn more about SIDUS HEROES by going to our official social media pages:

Website | Twitter | Discord | Reddit | Telegram & Medium and get a taste of the metaverse by playing the demo game at:

