Your In-Game Characters Are On the Way: the SIDUS ACADEMY Sale is About to Begin

8 min readDec 24, 2021


With the new year looming, SIDUS HEROES is entering a new development phase! The team is launching the beta version of the game and welcomes its first settlers to the city.

To secure yourself a spot and witness the origins of the SIDUS civilization, take part in the SIDUS ACADEMY (NEW COLLECTION) presale. Hurry, the number of NFTs is limited! The presale will last only 15 hours.

Join the game, start upgrading your Heroes and rise to the top while earning along the way! And if you already have an NFT Hero from SIDUS NFT HEROES (OLD COLLECTION), then you’re eligible to get one playable character for free. Read the article to learn all the details.


SIDUS HEROES is an NFT-oriented game that begins with the closed beta version. Only NFT holders will have access to the metaverse, be able to fight in the Arena, exercise power in the Council, level up and farm loot boxes with exclusive drops while enjoying many other benefits.

The ecosystem of SIDUS products includes three NFT collections:


SIDUS ACADEMY (NEW COLLECTION), a collection of NFTs that serve as tickets to the gaming metaverse and will be available to the general public. The release of SIDUS ACADEMY will be in January 2022.


SIDUS NFT HEROES (OLD COLLECTION), a collection of 6,000 characters, each with 13 unique traits and one of three rarity levels — Original, Rare or Legendary. FYI: Partnership NFTs equate to Original Heroes, while Exclusive NFTs equate to Legendary Heroes. The collection was launched in August 2021 and these NFTs are available on the secondary market. To become a Rare or Legendary NFT Hero use upgrade cards. The cards are available on OpenSea.


SIDUS GENESIS (NEW COLLECTION), a collection of NFTs that serve as tickets to the gaming metaverse and are generated by staking NFT Heroes from SIDUS NFT HEROES (OLD COLLECTION). The release of SIDUS GENESIS is scheduled for January 2022.

The launch of the beta version is planned for January 2022, so check the events calendar and save the dates!

Now, let’s talk about each phase in detail.

SIDUS ACADEMY (NEW COLLECTION) Overview: What’s Included With the New Collection

SIDUS ACADEMY (NEW COLLECTION) is a set of NFTs that will transform into playable characters. Owning NFTs from this collection secures access to the game and its multiple earning opportunities. The SIDUS ACADEMY NFTs available for purchase have 3 rarity levels — Common, Epic and Legendary.

The presale and sale of SIDUS ACADEMY (NEW COLLECTION) will be conducted in SIDUS tokens, so make sure you have some on your balance.

  • 1 Common Academy Hero costs 700 SIDUS TOKENS
  • 1 Epic Academy Hero costs 14,000 SIDUS TOKENS
  • 1 Legendary Academy Hero costs 140,000 SIDUS TOKENS

SIDUS ACADEMY (NEW COLLECTION) will also be available on launchpads (TBA). During the presale, each user will be able to purchase a maximum of 10 Academy NFTs (of any rarity) per 1 wallet. The total number of NFTs will be limited and revealed prior to the event.

All the details on how to participate in the whitelisting process will be announced later.

SIDUS GENESIS (NEW COLLECTION) Overview: Take Advantage of the Hero You Already Own

SIDUS GENESIS (NEW COLLECTION) is a collection of NFTs that originate from SIDUS NFT HEROES (OLD COLLECTION). NFTs from the new collection will also have 3 rarity levels that correspond to the initial NFT and will have unique traits:

  • If you have an Original NFT Hero (the most common type), you will get a Genesis Common NFT.
  • If you have a Rare NFT Hero (an Original Hero that’s been upgraded to Rare using a special upgrade card), you will get a Genesis Epic playable character.
  • If you’re among the most elite Legendary NFT Heroes, you can claim a Genesis Legendary Hero.

Important notes:

  • If you have Rare and/or Legendary upgrade cards, make sure you use them before you claim your playable NFT. Use your upgrade cards on the website and become a Rare or Legendary NFT Hero.
  • Playable characters will differ visually from the NFTs belonging to SIDUS NFT HEROES (OLD COLLECTION).

Holders of NFTs from the old collection can choose between two options:

(1) to get an in-game character as soon as the game is launched, or (2) to get an NFT from SIDUS GENESIS (NEW COLLECTION) that can later be turned into a playable character for resale. The end result is the same but which option you choose depends on what your goals are. Either way, to take advantage of this opportunity, holders of NFT Heroes from the old collection will have to lock their NFTs for a 180-day period without the possibility of an early unlock. You NFT Hero will remain idle while you get to enjoy the game.

Note: 1 NFT Hero from SIDUS NFT HEROES (OLD COLLECTION) entitles you to 1 NFT from SIDUS GENESIS (NEW COLLECTION) or 1 playable character. This is a one-time process — you will not be able to claim another NFT after the locking period ends. If purchasing an NFT from the old collection with the purpose of turning it into a playable character or an NFT from SIDUS GENESIS (NEW COLLECTION), make sure to check the NFT properties beforehand to see whether it has previously been locked and used already to generate an NFT or playable character. The SIDUS HEROES team plans on launching a tool on the website to help users check the status of NFTs. More details on this process will be published soon.

Building Teams and Merging Features: the More You Have — the More You Get

All Heroes are equal on the battlefield, but in every other aspect of the game, background plays a huge role. It determines what advantages holders will have socially, economically and politically. The SIDUS HEROES team wanted to ensure that all Heroes would be equal as far as the fighting mechanics were concerned. This was intentionally done to avoid the possibility of SIDUS HEROES turning into a play-to-win type of game. It takes blood and sweat to win in the Battle Arena and prove your excellence.

Heroes from SIDUS GENESIS (NEW COLLECTION) and SIDUS ACADEMY (NEW COLLECTION) together create the perfect synergy and open doors to different aspects of the game. By combining Heroes of multiple rarity levels and backgrounds in one team, players can maximize the efficiency of their gameplay. Finding the best combination of Heroes for your team is the key to progressing successfully through the game.

Upon the formation of a team, players enjoy team bonuses. (The bonuses for Heroes in the same team are added together).

For example: a team of 3 Academy Legendary Heroes:

- can spend 90% more time on a neutral planet

- will take 90% less time to travel between planets

- have 75% more experience within their team

A team of three Heroes from any race and with any rarity takes less time for their traits to be upgraded than it does for a single Hero.

Note: The given examples are subject to change. The full list of perks and bonuses granted to teams of the same rarity or a mixed combination of rarities will be available in the near future.

Combine Heroes from different collections and with different rarity levels to properly rock the game. Only the top players will have guaranteed allocations on SIDUS Starter, the upcoming SIDUS HEROES launchpad.

Possible Scenarios: Find Your Perfect Team

Let’s take a look at several scenarios and what you can potentially get by combining different types of NFTs.

Scenario #1

You have: 1 Hero of any rarity and race

Perks: No team bonuses or additional perks

How to maximize gameplay efficiency: To enjoy team bonuses like the ones described in the section ‘Building Teams and Merging Features: the More You Have — the More You Get’, you should build a team of 3 Heroes.

Scenario #2

You have: 1 Genesis Legendary Hero and 2 Epic Academy Heroes

Perks: You now have all the possibilities granted to a Genesis Legendary Hero and features that relate to Academy Epic characters:

  • It takes 25% less resources to upgrade
  • Get 25% higher rating for winning battles
  • Time needed to manufacture items goes 25% faster
  • Get 25% more experience while upgrading
  • Able to spend 30% more time on neutral planets
  • Traveling between planets is 30% faster
  • Enjoy all political rights and the possibility to become President or a Minister

Scenario #3

You have: 3 Genesis Legendary Heroes

Perks: Features of all the Heroes are added together to achieve the maximum advantages. The team needs 75% less resources to upgrade their weapons and ammunition, gets 75% higher rating for winning battles and the production of items goes 75% faster.

Scenario #4

You have: 1 NFT from SIDUS NFT HEROES (OLD COLLECTION) staked in Galaxy Staking.

How to maximize gameplay efficiency: To get an in-game character or an NFT from SIDUS GENESIS (NEW COLLECTION), you need to unstake your NFT from Galaxy Staking and lock it to initiate the transformation.

Scenario #5

You have: 3+ in-game characters

How to maximize gameplay efficiency: You will be able to switch the Heroes you use in the team settings and choose the best combination for each occasion. Combine SIDUS ACADEMY (NEW COLLECTION) characters to travel faster and switch to SIDUS GENESIS (NEW COLLECTION) to get a higher rating in battles!

Experiment and find your perfect mix of Heroes, features and political power! The first step on your SIDUS journey is to get your hands on an NFT from one of the collections — SIDUS ACADEMY (NEW COLLECTION) and/or SIDUS GENESIS (NEW COLLECTION). Save the dates and prepare to rise to the top!

