SIDUS HEROES Public Beta Goes Live and Everything Else You Need to Know about v 0.1.2



SIDUS HEROES continues with its beta testing — now moved to the public domain! The game has opened up to all holders of SIDUS GENESIS and ACADEMY cards and the real Klondike-like rush has begun. We are more than sure that Academy Heroes won’t miss their chance to enjoy the increased Gold Tesseract daily limit and will fight for a piece of the 9.8 million SIDUS prize fund to the best of their abilities. Join the game and prove yourself in the Battle Arena!

With the v 0.1.2 release comes some major updates that affect all aspects of the game. Get yourself ready for the adventure and study what’s new in the public beta release.

SIDUS HEROES Battle Screen

The battle screen has undergone three major changes:

  • The countdown clock has been moved to the bottom center of the screen. We’ve also added a notification above the timer that tells you when it’s your turn to make a move. In the closed beta, it was less obvious to users when it was their time for action.
  • In the upper right corner, we’ve added buttons for you to turn the sound on and off and to switch to full-screen mode.
  • In the bottom left corner, we’ve placed a move counter, displaying the FPS of the game.

All these updates allow players to customize their gaming experience and better enable players to focus more fully on the fight. Prove yourself in the fight and get rewards for it!

In future iterations, we plan on making the recounting of the battle funnier and on including comical situations that occur in the Arena.

SIDUS HEROES Boss — Hyperprism

With the v 0.1.2 updates, SIDUS Heroes get to meet the villain of the universe — a boss referred to as Hyperprism. A boss fight is a real test of your skills and knowledge.

When a player searches for an opponent, there’s a 10% chance that Hyperprism will enter the fight in the Battle Arena (along with your opponent(s)).

Hyperprism has a Status you can’t alter and on each Battle Arena, the Status is different:

  • On Voltrone Battle Arena: Hyperprism has an electric status
  • On Raptorian Battle Arena: Hyperprism has a wet status

Boss Fight Phases

The initial position of the boss is idle. Hyperprism is just standing in the middle of the floor.

As soon as one of the Heroes attacks the boss, players will see a bar at the top of the screen displaying the boss’ name and Health Points. The armor bar is under development for future releases.

At the beginning of the battle, you will see the time allotted for the fight. The bar at the top of the screen indicates how much time you have. There are only two outcomes to the battle:

  • If the players/teams fail to destroy Hyperprism in the allotted time, the boss deals a devastating blow. The shockwave causes huge damage that is guaranteed to kill both players/teams. Both sides lose.
  • But if the players/teams manage to defeat Hyperprism in the allocated time, both sides win and receive Hyperboxes that they will find in the Inventory section.

The Gold and Silver Tesseract Page

We’ve changed the design of the Tesseract page: firstly, we’ve updated how the Tesseract rarity is displayed, and secondly, we’ve added descriptions to the drop potential table.

Silver Tesseract
Gold Tesseract

Suggested Hero Names

The SIDUS HEROES team listens to the comments and suggestions coming from the community. One of the changes you proposed is to reconsider the list of adjectives the system uses for randomly generating names.

We’re happy to say that we’ve updated the list and removed any terms that may be deemed offensive.

SIDUS ACADEMY Reincarnation

The major event of v0.1.2 is the introduction of SIDUS ACADEMY Heroes. Everyone who purchased a SIDUS ACADEMY card can now join the game and generate their in-game characters.

Preliminary backgrounds for the Academy collection are as follows:

Take a look at the OGYA skins.


The Raptorian skins have the following image.


The Voltrone race will turn into these creatures below.


As you remember, SIDUS ACADEMY NFTs have 3 rarity levels — Common, Epic and Legendary. The rarity predetermines the features of the Hero and what benefits its owner enjoys.

Update to the Critical Damage Parameters

We’ve changed what effect the Agility parameter has on Critical Damage. Now, the Critical Damage multiplier range is from x1.5 to x10 (it used to be just x2). Depending on a Hero’s Skill Points, the chance of a Critical strike is somewhere between 10% to 20%. The changes to the interface are coming in the next release.

Correlation between Defense and Resistance

When a player generates a Hero or resets their Skill Points, they will now see a visual representation of the Resistance.

To see all these updates in action, enter the SIDUS HEROES game and start playing!

Learn more about SIDUS HEROES by going to its official social media pages:Website | Twitter | Discord | Reddit | Telegram

