Xenna Patch Notes 0.20.0

Revolutionized Gameplay with Effective Battles and a New Daily Rewards System!

Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2024


We’re thrilled to unveil Xenna Version 0.20.0! Bidding farewell to our old ways, we’re reinventing the game to offer every player a fresh start with a host of new improvements. Here is a detailed breakdown:

Effective Battles

We are introducing a new format: ‘Effective Battles’. This is set to be a game-changer for Xenna. With ‘Effective Battles’ comes a crucial new component to the game — an ‘Energy Level’. While the number of battles per day is not limited, players will need to spend 1 Energy unit per battle. Here are the key concepts behind the new format:

  • Energy Indicator

Every Account now has an Energy Indicator that influences players’ battle rewards. This means that taking control of your Energy level will become a crucial part of your strategy.

  • Energy Recovery

Your Energy level will recover automatically, giving you 1 unit per hour. So, it’s important to plan your gaming schedule accordingly.

  • Energy Usage

As mentioned already, a single battle will use up 1 Energy unit.

  • Battle Reward

If you participate in a battle without using up Energy units, your reward will be reduced i.e. your number of GCells will drop tenfold and the NO Shards will be distributed.

  • Energy Limit

The Energy limit is personal to each player. The default is set at 10 units. However, this number can be changed to ensure flexibility and balance.

FYI, ‘Effective Battles’ isn’t the end of our changes! The Daily Rewards system has also undergone several changes to ensure fairness throughout our player base and a clean slate for newcomers!

Daily Rewards System

Folks, Daily Rewards are no longer random! Yes, there is joy in surprises, but what we have in store for you is so much better. The new Ver. 0.20.0 features a schedule, with a new predetermined reward each day. And here’s the cherry on top: the rewards get better and better! If you’re patient enough, day 30 will bring you a Legendary Reward! But you’ll need a fine balance of zen and fierceness to get there!

Every single player will be starting fresh, a clean slate with which to reinvent their game plan. Starting from scratch will give new players a fair chance to beat the odds and compete with our seasoned battle heroes!

  • Reward Claim

The first reward can be claimed immediately after the new system is implemented. All consecutive rewards will be available the next day. Enjoy!

  • Reward Claim Renewal

If you have a reward you have not yet claimed, a red light will appear on the “Daily Reward” icon.


- Premium status no longer increases your Daily Rewards.

- If you miss a day, you won’t lose your Daily Rewards progress.

However, that’s still not all!

Structure Open/Close Time

We have shortened the opening and closing window of Structures, reducing it from 8 seconds to 4 seconds. This revision will ensure a more lively and interesting gameplay, not to mention keep you on your toes!

Try your luck with the new version, reinvent your gameplay, and be the best Xenna player you can.

Download version 0.20.0 and enjoy!

Good luck in the game!
Much love,

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