How Are Tasers Made? A Layperson’s Guide | Siegecrafter

Gene Botkin
Published in
5 min readDec 25, 2020

Law enforcement officers often need to use non-lethal force to apprehend unruly suspects. Tasers are among the more common of these tools. They are common because they can deliver a controlled electric shock that makes controlling a person quite simple.

You can also use a taser for self-defense by either pressing it against the culprit’s body or by firing it towards them in order to deliver a high voltage.

Tasers have been used for several decades to great effect. They reduce the need for lethal force and can help in self-defense situations as well.

If you’re wondering how these are made and how yoou might make one yourself, then please keep reading.

Tasers are made of five parts: (1) a battery to store charge, (2) a transformer to administer the shock, (3) a charger to keep the battery active, (4) a switch to control the device, and (5) a case which holds the pieces together. A spring mechanism may be added in order to deliver the transformer.

Below, we’ll cover some important factoids about tasers and their common methods of production.

What Are Tasers?

Tasers are electroshock weapons which come in two variants. The first is in the form of a gun that uses insulated wires and barbed darts at the end; these are used to hit suspects at range. Accurate ranges for firing tasers typically reside within a ten-meter distance. The second type of taser is the contact form, which must be placed againt the suspect in order to be effective. These are mostly used for self-defense.

How Does A Taser Work?

Tasers have an integrated circuit within that connects a battery and a charger. The circuit also has a transformer which raises the voltage provided by the battery. A switch is used to control when the current is delivered, and the entire circuit is held within the case.

Taser guns may also have insulated wires with barbed darts which propel the current at a distanced target. These tasers are used by police officers when they pursue a suspect.

How Companies Make Tasers

Large manufacturers often use heavy machinery to mass-produce tasers. Tasers made rpofessionally and in thsi way retain teh same fundamental structure, although their components are often of a higher quality. In practice, this means that their materials are more durable than those one might use at home. Some higher-end tasers may even have a voltage control.

Tasers are developed with their end user in mmind, and their design reflects this. A police taser is often made with a longer range and faster reload time for the cartridge. These tasers are also structured as pistols so that they will be easier easier for the law enforcement to point at fleeing culprits. Tasers made for self-defense and security are often fabricated so that they are easier to operate, but they lsoe some functionality.

What Are The Materials Needed To Make A Taser?

The construction of a taser may be simply reduced to the arrangement of five pieces listed below. A person may construct a taser for their own use if the possess the following:

  • Battery: A lithium-ion battery that can be found in cell phones can work to provide a current for your taser.
  • Transformer: You will also need a transformer that amplifies the voltage to bring the shock effect from the small battery.
  • Charger: This will be used to charge the system and the battery after use.
  • Switch: A switch is an important part of the circuit to control the operation of your homemade taser.
  • Case: Plastic cases are the best to use for tasers as plastic is a bad conductor of electricity and it makes the circuit safer for the user.

If you have all these things available in your home, you can easily make a taser at low cost. Follow the instructions below to understand how.

How To Build A Homemade Taser

If you want to build a homemade taser, then you should watch the following tutorial for a complete guide. Proper instructions are necessary to build any electronic item properly because a slight mistake can threaten your safety.

The provided tutorial runs for about five minutes.

After watching a tutorial video, you can fit all the materials mentioned above by using your proper tool kit set. You will need to complete the circuit by connecting the battery terminals with the charger and then connecting the transformer to the battery.

One more thing — Make sure to use rubber gloves when handling electronic circuits.

Fit everything in the case and test it out before closing. If you observe any flaws in the circuit, or if the current doesn’t flow, you can mark all the parts in need of correction.

(You can use tape to fix parts in place.)

Make sure to use an appropriate power connection for the transformer.

Keep in mind all the precautions and how the module needs to be used carefully as it can be dangerous for a person. The application of improper voltage, as well as excessive usage, can damage your homemade taser.

Importance Of Tasers

Tasers are often necessary for the safety of law enforcement officers when they need to apprehend violent suspects. Their use can also reduce the risk of damage to the property or lives of innocent passerby.

People under the influence of mind-altering substances are also prime subjects for taser use because of their tendency to engage in lunatic behavior.

Tasers are also often ideal for police officers who want detain suspects because they reduce need for lethal force. Moreover, tasers can be used at a distance, thereby allowing officers to handle fleeing suspects without needing to close the distance on foot. Short-range tasers are also essential tools for home security and can provide safety for those individuals who want to avoid usign a deadly weapon.

Tasers have become an important part of security because they assist people with their everyday self-defense. They are also essential for police officers and can aid in reducing the need for deadly weapons.

Different tasers are made in different ways, but the design underlying them is always the same. And now that you know the working principles behind a taser and how to make one, you can build one for yourself.

Originally published at



Gene Botkin

Gene is a graduate student in systems engineering; his research is in AI personalities. Studies theology and philosophy in his free time.