Weekly Update #22

Sienna Network
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2021


Back again with another update. Let’s dive right in.

Here’s what has happened this week:

Sienna x Shinobi
  • New reward pools on SiennaSwap welcoming the new IBC tokens to Secret Network 🎉


There are still high yield for these pairs! 🌝 Check them out at https://app.sienna.network/swap/earn

  • SiennaSwap has reached $232M in cumulative volume! 🚀
  • Rewards V3 now has a full fledged testing dashboard that simulates staking, claiming, withdrawing etc. This will be shared with the community soon
  • Auditors completed the initial screening of the audit scope of Rewards V3. Now onto the in depth auditing
  • Initial screening of SiennaLend auditing happening next week if all goes well — followed by 2–3 weeks in depth auditing
  • More work on SiennaSwap 2.0 front end
  • Testing of SiennaSwap 2.0 front end. SiennaSwap 2.0 includes a few surprises we think the community will like — a lot
  • Next week a testnet deployment of all new working parts and will undergo extensive testing
  • A secret project is coming. Some may have heard about it from the Stashh partnership — but expect more info soon! 🚀⚔️
  • The upcoming exchange listing have postponed the listing til early December. Date is confirmed 🤝
  • More work on SiennaLend front end
  • More work on new app landing page

That’s all for this week! See you next time 🚀

About Sienna Network

Sienna is a cross-chain, privacy-first decentralized finance protocol built on Secret Network, that enables trustless financial instruments, such as trading and lending with complete privacy for multiple blockchain ecosystems.

Privacy, both for individuals and organizations, is required by law and should at all times be treated as a a fundamental human right. Sienna is on a mission to protect your PII.

What blockchain is Sienna built on?
Sienna is built on Secret Network first blockchain with privacy-preserving smart contracts, or “secret contracts” that have encrypted inputs, outputs, and state.

Read more about Secret Network at https://scrt.network

More on Sienna Network

🖥 Website: https://sienna.network/

💬 Discord: https://discord.sienna.network

💬 Telegram: https://telegram.sienna.network

🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/sienna_network

👥 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SiennaNetwork/

📰 Blog: https://medium.com/sienna-network

