Digestion — AstroAlchemy

Ömer Melih Aksoy
Published in
7 min readOct 9, 2017

Leo ruled by the Sun has the goal of reaching the true brilliance of the eternal spirit by the soul vehicle. Sun rules the Anahata — Heart Center and this is the place where the soul is centered for most individuals. Sun represents the Infinite Source and we can tap to this source from the Anahata center. Leo needs to shine bright and hold a center pretty much like the Sun for our Solar System, nourishing every one with the light of knowledge, wisdom, healing, creativity, kindness and compassion. It is important to see from the heart, because by centering the awareness to the heart, one feels compelled to project her/his inner light and love to everyone around, but this essence needs to be refined by alchemical processes to be beneficial and harmonious.

Seeing with the heart should come with understanding the essence of life and love and express this essence in all planes of existence. The essence in the heart center might be blocked by negative ego or various kinds of blockages which should be transmuted and refined to nourish and support the bodies with light. This is done by Digestion, in which the negative energy, the shells and the ego are disintegrated and digested by the elements of Water (cosmic energy) and Fire (Kundalini) to produce pure energy and center the individual to the vital essence that would be Philosophers Stone or the Universal Medicine.

We need to understand the vital essence from our life experience, but until then our mind might be unstable, chaotic or foggy. Life is multi-faceted and we may sometimes lose our center and go astray. In this case our spiritual essence might be covered with things that prevent us to shine brightly. The life experience comes in from the our physical and spiritual senses and our mind generates meaning from this input. But if the mental body has blockages and the Kundalini is low and chaotic, the sense we make out of our lives might be flawed and faulty. For the most part the misunderstandings happen because we look from darkness without light. This is where we raise the fire to generate light. The negative energies and thought-forms become fuel for this fire. By this we will raise our light quotient in our multidimensional being. While the Sun is in Leo, look for what you get from the life experience. Try Sun-Gazing and feed your skin with solar light.

Kundalini operates with Astrological influences and while the Sun is in Leo it will support us to go thorough the process of Digestion. In this phase the base energies are processed with water (cosmic mental energy) and fire of Kundalini to generate subtle energy for further refinement and extract the soluble contents. By this the Serpent transforms to White Eagle. While the Sun is in Leo, if we intend to go thourough this process and have the guidance of God in our Life Path, we can be guided to go thorough this process.

The Chakras that are active in this process are Root, Solar Plexus and Heart Centers. Respectiveley Mars-Iron, Jupiter-Tin and Sun-Gold. While the sun was at Cancer marking the process of Seperation, gross and subtle parts of the base energies were seperated. We are now furthering the alchemical process by working on Digestion and Dissolution axis. The crude part is our animal nature and the Atu XI Lust (Strenght) shows a naked woman holding the reins of a lion which has 7 heads representing 7 chakras and with her other hand reaching out for the Holy Grail, essence of life. In this phase the lion and the animal nature is tamed and controlled to reach the essence or the infinite source of life.

In this phase the digesting principle is in the Manipura chakra, it corresponds to mental body and it can seperate and sublimate the base energies to provide energy that can sustain the mental, causal and further subtle bodies. But this needs to be balanced by Heart center which can transform negative to positive and bring harmony to the organism. This will be further refined by the process of Distillation that corresponds to Virgo. Spiritual Love that we cultivate at the Heart center is the nourishment that all our parts need. So we need to learn to love ourselves, our personality, our lives and so on to have a healthy multidimensional organism.

The Kundalini enters from the root chakra which coordinates physical body functions. The energy in this level is loaded with animal instincts and primal desires. The energy needs to be raised to the level of Heart center to get the taste of spirituality in a balanced way, without going mentally aggressive or chaotic. One of the first goal of the phase of Digestion is that taming the animal nature. If not, the person in question might be mentally confused, chaotic, egocentric and aggressive. The person might behave recklessly, act on uncontrolled impulses and be reactive instead of acting on will. Also there is the higher Digestion in which we transcend the glamours and spiritual pride, taming the human nature.

To raise the Kundalini to the level of Heart, the process of Digestion is important, as it prepares the energy to enter the heart center. Without this phase the energy would be too crude to safely operate in the Heart chakra, which is a place where sensitivity is power. The cosmic encoding needs to be understood at Manipura for the person to be harmonious with time currents. Heart needs to be like the shining sun, and Jupiter which is associated Manipura chakra along with the hypothetical point Vulcan does this job. Manipura can nourish all organs and chakras provided it is working in tandem with the Anahata center. By this phase we acquire an essential energy that is suitable to nourish all parts of our multidimensional being, but needs further refinement for spiritual bodies.

Now I want to provide some basic practices that would support you to get thorough this process easily.

— Manipura Chakra —

Do meditate on you Manipura chakra. How it feeds the other chakras, organs. What it does on your multidimensional being. How it works, is it balanced, if not balance the chakra with your Anahata Chakra.

This chakra is where we control our aura which is our primary organ of psychic defence and communication. We can gather and filter cosmic and earthly energies from our aura.

You can also meditate on the organs that are associated with the Manipura center and do understand their spiritual counterparts; the stomach, the liver, the pancreas and the spleen.

— Microcosmic Orbit and Cosmic Energies —

The cosmic currents are the water in the process Digestion. One of the best ways to roll with the cosmic energies is the effective practice of microcosmic orbit. By running the orbit you can attune yourself to cosmic energies, do energetic readings, provide psychic energy from your environment, planets, the sun and the stars by just concentrating on them. I will provide the basic technique here, and you can learn this technique from Mantak Chia’s video.

There is an energetic reservoir at our navel and our bowels. Look at here for a while and you will sense the release of energy while positioning your tounge at you upper palate. Tongue positioning is like a switch. You can distribute this energy to your body by running the microcosmic orbit. Do send the energy from the navel to your root chakra by passing thorough sperm-ovarian palace and run the energy up to spine to the crown chakra and send it again to navel from the front. Make a steady current by doing circular movements with this microcosmic orbit. You can explore this technique it is pretty much like playing a musical instrument, by engaging your chakras, reversing the flow, concentrating on objects and people.

When you get used to the basic microcosmic orbit, it is very easy to run it anytime you want by just pressing your tongue to your palate.

— Asking Questions to your Heart Chakra —

You can do Heart meditations, but I suggest you should also ask questions to your inner guidance to discover the essence and meaning of life.

What is you True Will?
What is the purpose of life for you as a Spiritual Being?
How can you serve for the Universe and Humanity?
How do you feel before life?

How do you express your love?
How can you be better at it?
Do you fear anything?
What prevents you to express your inner nature?
How do you shine?

Is your mind OK with your Heart?
Can you find a balance between them?

— Animal Nature and Reptilian Brain —

Which animal gives you power? Do you fear any animal? Which animal would you be if you were to pick one?

These animals are important for your energetic nature. By imitating the movement and sound of these animals you can invoke their spirits and tame your animalistic energy. Mostly the animal nature and the Root Chakra is about Shelter, Security, Food and Good Nourishment, Physical Space and Freedom, Bodily Functioning, Sexuality, Family, Survival and Habitat. The energy in the Root center is too primal to be communicate with words, so dancing and imitating your power and shadow animals are the way to effectively control this energetic center.

By expressing, taming and controlling your animal nature you will release the primal energy for transmutation for subtler energies. This practice can make you more alert, make you feel more secure and at peace with yourself. It will support and coordinate your bodily functions and make your life easy in physical plane.

