Grounding Divine Healing Light

Ömer Melih Aksoy
Published in
6 min readOct 11, 2017

Healing is a Divine Act in Cooperation with God.

We should know the very laws that are in universe that manifests and sustains life, so that we can do a healing act on a living being. An organism is an holistic entity and it has many layers in its spectrum of existence and experience.

We can attune through while you read this article. You can get a Healing Attunement if you lie down after reading or anytime you have aside for some rest or before sleep.

Each moment holds the universe together, and we are always live in this now, together. This is a very crucial truth that we share.

We are always present at the very same moment that we share our experience.

But our minds can wander to past or future, even to imaginary realms where time bends and squeaks. There we can find a funhouse in our minds that we can talk with Time and have a tea, which can if actively imagined can let us control our lifetime and timeline of events, such as making an agreement on temporal basis or the temperament of the times we live in.

So this static point is something multidimensional and we can carry ourselves to where we wonder. If you are always curious about God, well God can really communicate with you and even call your help in working wonders and miracles. There is always a Divine Act going around in the Globe and the rest Cosmos.

All those times there were Divine Plans and Projects happening through wonder working teams of Humans that are Devoted to Divine Service and Truth; those projects were Revivifications of Societies or Religions, Renaissances, Golden Ages, Reforms, Ascensions, Purifications, Revolutions and Redemptions. Where God’s mercy had earthened with the shared effort of humankind, who were voluntarily served for All Life. Divine and Creative Hierarchies and Orders always work in teams on Earthy and had always changed history for the better which always come with an experience of Divine in its Grace. Such grace can always open bounties and positive windows of possibilities that are in line with Divine Laws and Truth of God’s Being and Divine Love.

A healer should always watch for the community and . If the community is having a serious problem that creates even more problems for all individuals as well as the whole, the healer should direct enough effort of the community with a higher vision and wisdom than the rest.

Healing is a spiritual gift that is not readily available, it comes with practical experience that has a very definite positive change, namely healing in a person’s life and everyone around with that person. Such can be called Healing. Any healing should work for the whole, so care should be given.

To ground our healing light even further we should know what this light is and describe it. Divine light is creative and we co-create with God as we are also Divine Beings in Essence. Realization of ideals in time is a process that should be observed in any healing act.

Loving communion and sincere conversation with God is most possible when the environment is at peace and health. A healer who have the gift and capacity to heal feels the pain of obligation of what the healer is responsible of. Trying to cut this feeling also cuts us from how God feels. If we are well prepared and coordinated this pain will not last. It is not a permanent feeling but it goes with the problems of the community that we are responsible of. As with our gifts we can partake in God’s work and share of responsibilities.

This is surely a responsible and loving way to communicate with God Most High.

Being reasonable and responsible aligns and harmonizes us with Divine and Cosmos. But this alignment should always happen on Earth. We don’t need to go anywhere outside the Earth right now for most.

We can go Spacey with Astrology and make Astral Travels. Surely there is a Nonphysical Life going along and together with Physical Life. But whole life is not there but here, right now in this moment. We can coordinate our Nonphysical Life and Physical Life. In this our Intentions, Concentration, Thoughts, Currents, Will,

  • The universe as an infinite unit has infinite centers.
  • Each center is an atomic unit in God’s being.
  • Even when we are not aware of God’s presence, God is here with us.

Well we always ask to God, but do we ask what God feels?

We can always empathize with God.

This divine form of empathy is always available to our current capacity. God lives and will answer your questions, if you keep enough care in your silence you can hear pretty easily. But you need to center yourself in truth. If you ask, co-establish light in your life. We distill the essence of life in the process. But we have to first find our core elements to meet with God in a fitting inner temple. We need to know ourselves and the divinity as it is. God has many perspectives about anything and you will look together from the perspectives you choose together when you converse.

We should ask what God feels of us too, which can be very enlightening for our Divine Path which is our path towards Perfection in Alchemical Terms. Alchemy is an Discipline which combines Art, Philosophy, Astrology, Medicine, Technology, Natural and Liberal Sciences to work positive transmutations, transformations, changes, temporal healing, enlightening, awakening, initiation, empowerment for personal and collective ends that are in line with Divine Will of God and the Alchemist.

We are not alone in this path even when we feel marginal, unearthed or exiled. We can always come together in our Heart Center, where we are with God. In this Portal there is a Permanent Atom of your Whole Being that is still intact in your life after death. Because we don’t cease to experience when we die, death is not the end of life, but rather a threshold where we pass to another life vehicle. It starts a transition to another lifetime on Earth or anywhere else that is possible. It is quite necessary to know that you have to fill your personal and collective purpose on Earth to leave as a soul.

Some of the most durable way to ground healing light is through Art, Science, Sanitation, Charity, Peace-Making, Philanthrophy, Philosophy, Ideology, Music and Literature along with Healing and Alchemy. There is an esoteric squad that is always here with you, which you may be a part of, that is devoted to Divine Service.

Alchemists do understand any person’s state of life and consciousness. By this knowledge we can provide cures even for fragile or sensitive people that are very gifted and creative. Alchemists do mine and gather ores which is then goes along a whole process. Alchemist does healing and instruction for people to track the Divine path, by doing necessary work to control and operate the Alchemical, Temporal and Cosmic Currents collectively.

We do meet in thoughts and dreams.

