Preparing for Regression Therapy

Know Thyself So That You Can Heal — Confession

Ömer Melih Aksoy
8 min readOct 12, 2017


Before commencing a regression therapy we need to know what this is all about for Human in relation to Divine. In regression therapies we access our past records or future possibilities if things keeps static, revize and reinterpret the experiences, clean-transmute-heal negativity that can happen.

We have to know that through regression therapies we aim to transmute base metals to at least silver. This is where we do a deep cleaning for ourselves, so our physical and psychic senses are operating clearly and our minds can formulate clear templates so we can commune with universe in a healthy and prosperous way. Reaching Silver is reaching the baseline of purification which is Totally Holistic. The person would have a very clear light which can be safely empowered with Goldening practices, such as Conjugation — Spiritual Marriage as we can cross the threshold of divinity with a partner if we are to stay in absolute truth, because Divine Path needs absolute truth that is witnessed by at least two persons and the God.

We may tend to project our insecurities, lacks, self-pity, self-absorbtion towards others for no avail if we don’t understand our inner problems. With regression we really aim to understand our inner problems that are sourced from previous lifetimes or the very past of current lifetime, which may contain slavery, grief, sorrow, wars, famine, cold, drought, blackening, poverty, ignorance, chaos, homicide, rape, holocausts, destruction, migration and many more situations that can be tracked in history.

We can also have many positive stories that we need to know from our past. By this we can reclaim and redeem our belongings and dignity. We should know ourselves as we are. I was pretty shocked when I saw my past lives from my mirror. You should also look at the mirror pretty deeply not onto the image but to yourself to see your past faces. Mirror is just a surface so look at the surface too, that is also a subject of this meditation. Secure the surface of your mirror as a direct reflection of Truth.

Regression therapy is the essential secret behind the teaching of Confession. In original confession we confess not just our hearts but our whole being. So we can witness what we hold and know ourselves from what happened. In confession we don’t limit our soul to speak. We tell everything before a witness so another human can also hear the truth.

Confession is not just about telling things that you done or kept secret. It also encompasses our deeds that we done in past lives. We are all responsible of our Karma and this Karma is readily accessible to us by our spiritual senses and know-how.

Now we are responsible for all our actions. People should know our truth as it is in a loving environment. This is not a breach of personal space, we can always keep our private acts to ourselves. But breaching another person’s mind with a lie is not a private freedom. Harm can emerge out of this. Especially we should not keep someone out of truth for a long time, especially in a marriage or family relationship. Such conditions can block the Sacral Chakra making the person unable to commence Regression or Family Constellations Therapies.

Now we need to discover, center and activate our permanent and essential atoms that are for body — soul — spirit as a whole and divine being. These atoms are located right in the center of your being and they are permanent even if your physical body does not remain with you, these atoms hold together you as an individual unit. These atoms are our direct access to conversation with God. When we converse with God we should remain silent and let the divine aura really set in, as an indication of clear Divine Light.

We can also discover many things we can do with our 3 Permanent Atoms. The very curious truth about this atoms are they are creative and they are harmonised. It’s your life’s music that you need to handle with such essential elements. These are also our access to supertemporality and Divine Realms. We can create Divine Light with our consciousness after we know our Divine Nature with the practice of Alchemy and Healing. Solidification of Love and Divine Light is penetrates darkness infinitely without obstruction. From our Permanent Atoms we can draw a direct line towards the Completion of the Great Work.

Now through regression we concentrate on our bodily, astral-mental and spiritual parts and read what is there. We can also communicate with our body to repair, heal, transmute what our organs, elements contain or how they are and behave. Along with regression process our body, soul and spirit will go through a thorough purification, reorganization, repatterning, harmonization, fixation, clarification, enlightening, transmutation, transfiguration and transcendence.

Talk with your palms, see their beyonds, ask what they had done and let them show you. Manual skills can easily cross over or develop between lifetimes.

We should deal with truth as it if we want to get truth of our past lives through our spiritual memory that is also aligned and together with universal memory, as it is recorded in the akashic records.

There are some Archangels and Angelic Orders that are helping us access akashic records. There are many levels of access to akashic records depending on the awareness — consciousness, service — responsibility and individual specialty. All group consciousness have access to akashic records. First of all we need to get clear impressions from the Universal Memory.

For this we need centering, grounding, alignment, attunement, harmonization, seperation of the essential self and removing negative illusion. These healing procedures can be done on you when you are have one hour for resting. You can call and ask God, me and Archangel Raphael for this healing. You don’t need to call your higher self, you are what you are, be yourself as a whole.

You just need to hold your Essential Units which are permament. Ask God to show your most permanent parts to you and God will show. You need to develop your care and through the course of regression your innate problems will cease and you will concentrate better and get Divine Guidance from God directly very easily. Regression therapies open our consciousness to our Eternal Selves. We know our history in line with the history of humanity and nature.

We should know that we have to quit repeating the mistakes that we have done at past, a necessary sacrifice for a better future.

Preparing for Regression

Before commencing self-regression therapies I advise you to first go through the process with professional therapists and guides.

We should learn some core and fundamental concepts and practices in healing, alchemy and magic along with Regression Therapies to have the most benefit.

  • Therapies for holistic and subtle traumas that were inflicted in current life. Which may come from chemical, hard, synthetic, hallucinogenic drug and alcohol use (single event) and addiction (continual trauma) along with fights, familial violence (physical or psychological), broken relationships, death and loss of loved ones, divorce, migration/relocation (continual trauma), drowning, suffocation, molesting, sexual assault and rape, falling, broken/cracked bones, surgical procedures (including dental, circumcision and aesthetics)

You’ll get to know that most of the traumatic events that you experience in this lifetime is somehow has a direct or indirect karmic connection to your past lives. You might have been molested either because you molested someone or you couldn’t deal with the trauma you had when you were molested at your past life or both. The karmic complexes has a multidimensional geometry and many facets and they are sometimes counter-intuitive and counter-belief, they should not be seen with a common sense because they also include irrationality. Karmic patterns should be seen as they are.

  • Fundamental and Holistic Purification + Yogic Shatkarmas
  • Faith/Prayer Healing — Healing through conversing with God, Kundalini/Holy Spirit and Angels
  • Attuning to Healing Energies / Energetic Clearing and Empowering
  • Psychic Reading and Scanning
  • Clearing Subtle-Astral-Mental-Spiritual Pathogens and Parasites / Immunology
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • NLP Techniques
  • Elements (Spirit, Akasha, Prana, Fire, Water, Air, Earth)
  • Analytical Psychology
  • Spiritual Psychology
  • Healing of Ancestors
  • Exorcism — Devocation and Abjuration
  • Yoga Nidra — Sleep and Dream Practices
  • Isolation and Chastity (recommended in dire cases)

Research and Meditation Practices

  • Being and Non-Being *
  • Self and Non-Self *
  • God and Divinity *
  • Kundalini / Holy Spirit *
  • Essence, Spirit, Consciousness, Soul, Mind and Body *
  • Matter *
  • Mana *
  • Breathing *
  • Silence *
  • Relationships *
  • Truth, Belief, Illusion *
  • Purity and Hygiene *
  • Sanity *
  • Freedom
  • Responsibility
  • Order * and Chaos *
  • Focus, Attention, Witnessing, Observing, Examining, Awareness, Meditation, Contemplation, Analysis, Synthesis, Illumination etc.
  • Energies : Divine *, Angelic *, Universal *, Natural *, Healing *, Alchemical, Astrological, Magical, Occult, Positive, Demonic, Negative, Light,
  • Alchemical and Healing Processes/Procedures/Treatments — Preparation, Purification, Diagnosis, Clearing, Verifying, Unblocking, Directing, Grounding, Neutralizing, Repairing, Ordering, Reordering, Restoration, Structuring, Construction, Reconstruction, Enlightening, Vitalizing, Energizing, Refining, Curing, Caring, Supporting, Harmonization, Integration, Unification, Evaluation, Mining, Excavation, Connecting *
  • Bodily Processes
  • Emotions and Feelings *
  • Abilities — Natural, Vital, Creativity, Intuition, Energetic, Emotional, Mental, Psychological, Causal, Spiritual, Magical, Paranormal, Inspiration, Empathy *, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Access to Records, Divination etc.
  • Life and Death — Origin, Experience *, Health, Vitality, Genetics, Habitat, Reincarnation *, Life Purpose, Nutrition and Food, Individuality, Family, Society-Community, Marriage *, Parenting, Ancestral Tree *, Education, Reproduction, Sexuality, Conception, Embryology *, Birth °, Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence, Youth, Adulthood, Old Age, Death °, After Life — Bardo, Necessities *, Security, Shelter, Home, Neighborhood etc.
  • Change *, Action, Motion, Movement, Mobility, Mutation, Transformation, Transportation, Location, Multilocation, Halt *, Rest *, Sustaining, etc.
  • Vibration *, Radiation, Frequency, Wavelength, Saturation *, Opacity, Colors, Tones, Music *, Noise *, etc.
  • Harmony, Resonance, Reflection, Echo, Chain Reaction, Radiance etc. *
  • Positivity and Virtues : Solution, Care, Healing, Love, Mercy, Compassion, Cure, Joy, Integrity, Strength, Flexibility, Worth, Honor, Improvement, Justice, Honesty, Sanity, Hygiene, Self-Control, Moderation, Modesty, Vigor, Grace, Gratitude, Abundance, Charity, Helping, Happiness, Satiety etc.
  • Negativity and Vices : Problem, Damage, Pain, Suffering, Fear, Sin, Trauma, Disorder, Imbalance, Impurity, Toxin, Pathology-Illness, Injustice, Conflict, Contradiction, Violence, Crime, Enmity, Hostility, Malevolence, Oppression, Insanity, Vicious Cycles, Irrationality, Imperfection, Misfortune, Guilt, Shame, Grief, Agony, Stagnation, Inability, Impotence, Lack, Blockage, Arrogance, Selfishness, Self-Absorbance, Self-Pity, Self-Indulgence, Resentment, Aversion, Side Effects, Annihilation, Complications etc.**
  • Nature — Genetics, Evolution, Organism, Ecosystem, Environment, Biology, Medicine, Chemistry, Physics
  • Time *, Space *, Scene *, Eternity *, Moment *, Continuum *, Rhythm, Divine Timeline, Now, Past *, Present *, Future *, Linear Time *, Cycles and Cyclic Time *, Fractal Time, Spiral Time, Parallel Events *, Agenda, Clock, Calendar, Progress*, Evolution, Revolution, History of Earth, History of Universe **
  • Kabbalah — Tree of Life, Sephiroth, Paths
  • Letters and Numbers
  • Communication and Language
  • Mind *, Meaning *, Purport *, Wisdom *, Reason *, Understanding *, Prudence *, Intelligence (Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Holistic etc.), Irrationality *, Comprehension, Paradox, Parallax *, Import, etc.
  • Bodies, Planes, Matrices, Patrices and Realms — Holistic / Physical / Energetic / Emotional / Mental / Causal / Astral / Spiritual / Occult / Divine **
  • Concepts : Real *, Actual *, Potential *, Ideal, Natural *, Divine *, Integrity *, Unity *, Wholeness *, Balance *, Multidimensionality *, Interdimensionality, Simplicity *, Complexity *, Singularity, Duality, Activity, Passivity, Justice, Peace, Conflict, Power, Emotion, Motivation, Importance, Necessity, Desire, Thought, Will, Purpose, Beauty, Mercy, Direction, Right/Wrong, Good/Bad, Perfection etc.
  • Geometries : Seed of Life *, Flower of Life *, Point *, Line *, Plane, Triangle *, Square, Rectangle , Pentagon/Pentagram *, Hexagon/Hexagram *, Septagon/Septagram, Octagon/Octagram…, Sphere *, Prism, Pyramid *, Metatron’s Cube *, Tetrahedron, Star Tetrahedron, Icosahedron, Cube *, Pentahedron, Hexahedron, Heptahedron, Octahedron… Dodecahedron *… and 4+Dimensional objects.
  • Natural, Spiritual, Universal and Divine Laws

*— I strongly advise these as mandatory meditation practices before commencing regression therapies.

** — All of them should be understood well thorough meditation and observance. You may not heal yourself without knowing and understanding the core truth about these.

