Regression — Remembering

Karmic and Holistic Healing Through Remembrance

Ömer Melih Aksoy
29 min readJan 20, 2018


Regression means going back or going to past thus it means remembering. We can regress/remember the experiences and time ranges of past lives, the time between death and conception, moment of conception, womb, birth and the past of our current life.

Everything we had experienced and lived should be accepted as facts and life experiences, but we can change how we see and understand them to heal the traumas and faults. As long as we don’t confront the facts of our past and postpone, oppress, suppress, escape or hide from them they can grow bigger and afflict us somehow.

We can’t escape anything that is inside and is a part of ourselves.

We should be ready to confront the worst, deepest and most violent traumas and fears, as well as our deeply hidden sins and crimes before we commence regression therapy. The worst things we fear or scorn are mostly the things that we had done or experienced somehow.

But we should always care to take on the things we can handle and don’t remember the experiences we are not ready yet. We may not have the means, strength and knowledge enough to handle and heal each life experience. I would advise that first you should commence regression therapy with a professional and certified/experienced therapist and acquire education and/or guidance before commencing because of the complexity and importance of the subject.

It is very important to understand the complex and violent nature, traumatology, holistic dynamics, politics and psychology before remembering the events such as rape and torture. In these cases many of the professionals may not help you, as there can be black magic, possessive entities and complex sexual dynamics along these events as well as many subtle traumas that were inflicted upon any part of the psyche, which should be duly observed, diagnosed and healed. In these cases 1 hour sessions are not helpful and can be harmful, mainly there is a need to do a healing work that is stretched along a week, so being dependent upon professional help is not an option for most, as most regression therapist might have not healed their own rape or torture traumas and don’t know how to deal with them. Most of these traumas should be dealt after learning self-regression therapy, there should be no dependency on a therapist, as these traumas can recur until it’s processed and healed.

There are more than what happens at the event and there is a post-traumatic continuum, along with many possible dynamics and elements (that condition the event and the post-event) we have to work on and heal in a long run of healing we may not duly work on within hourly therapy sessions which may be not enough even for diagnosing everything that happened; such as the duration of rape and torture, the time before the event, body damage, psychic damage, involuntary orgasms, threatening, insults and taunts, humiliation, the number of rapists/torturers, ejaculation, anal/vaginal/oral, bleeding, being drugged, poisoned, being raped while sleeping, blackouts, beating and violence, brainwashing, near death or death experiences, being out of body, being murdered, karmic relationships with the rapists, having pleasure or resisting pleasure, relationship with God, politics, enslavement, captivity, war, incest, magic (such as sex magic, charm magic, hexes, soul stealing, occult damage, demonic entities — it is wise to learn exorcism, abjuration, devocation, dispelling and removing magic and holistic reintegration for professionals), involvement of technology (especially when remembering the past lives before Earth), hallucinations and many specific, individual and continual elements/complications that might happened before, within and after the event or continuum along with the history.

I will publish articles and case studies about violent and complex (ie. rape and torture) traumas in the near future.

It is very important to have the right intention upon starting regression therapies.

If we want our Personal Resolution to be aligned with Universal and Divine Will, centering our self upon our essence will provide us integrity upon a strong foundation for our lives. Our essence is where we are at the deepest level. Our essential self sees what our eyes look at or our minds think.

These effects are hypothetically possible upon the right application of Regression therapies;

  • A holistic healing that can happen in our whole totality through detailed care.
  • We can be much more free after healing the things that prevent or captivates us from past.
  • Regression can sometimes heal psychosomatic diseases and disorders as well as it may help in the cases where there is an inability of medical diagnosis, those cases can depend on karma.
  • Purification and transmutation of personal and collective karma.
  • Integration of past personalities within the psyche.
  • Integration of the psyche.
  • Regaining self-control over unconscious and subconscious.
  • Surfacing of our inner potential.
  • Clearing of negative ego and karmic patterns.
  • Purging of the sins.
  • Reclaiming of the personal karmic inheritance.
  • The process of Divine Justice happens.
  • Understanding of Universal Laws.
  • Ensuring of spiritual wholeness and integrity.
  • Unfolding of Life Path and Resolution.
  • Development of Free Will.
  • Healthy rising of light quotient and vibration.
  • Being aware of our inner identity and our real self.
  • Inner resurrection of our dead personalities — Revitalization.
  • Healing and transmutation of the defects, imbalances, impurities.
  • Gaining Holistic Abilities (Abilities that are Physical, Energetic, Emotional, Mental, Causal, Psychic, Spiritual, Paranormal and Divine)
  • Energetic efficiency can increase because of healing the tears that cause leaking.
  • Holistic channels can open up, unclog, clear and balance.
  • Holistic Beautification
  • Direct communication with God and Holy Spirit/Kundalini
  • Knowledge and understanding of the self
Regression and Progression helps us unlock the locks of time.

When you open your eyes to truth you’ll also witness the illusions along with truth. Separation of illusion from truth is a key cornerstone for mental development. Prudence is always with us upon the right path. A mind that is aligned with divine mind is a superior mind. It is fundamental to find and keep balance.

We can see better and new opportunities for the good of all that is, upon healing the burden that we carry from the past. It is a fact that we can discover the mysteries of history by regression. We can remember the untold history through regression. We can regress to past lives, genetic-familial history, prenatal period, the time of birth and the past of our current lives.

Traumas can be healed with regression therapies. We can digest the experiences that are unprocessed upon remembering. Healing of Holistic Body and Psyche comes with emotional balance and integrity along with clarity for our intuitive abilities.

We can choose love instead of fear. We can face the truth as it is when we base our values and intentions upon love. With regression we can solve our personal Ego as well as our Self and coagulate better, reconstruction and revivification with God, according to the good of all that is. With a better Ego we can walk to a better future instead of being stuck to unprocessed emotions and character flaws. Upon releasing of negative astral, mental or karmic patterns we can provide nourishment for our psyche.

Healing the past also heals the present. We are conditioned by experiences that we had undergone at past. Each experience does imprint an impression upon ourselves. These impressions can be upon our body, mind or soul. Past experiences can condition how we act, react or make choices. We take life lessons upon our experiences. Even if we know or interpret it wrongly we act upon such lessons. The lessons that we take from experiences can be reinterpreted according to the highest good of all that is, so that we can untie the gordian knot.

Sometimes undergoing regression can heal diseases and disorders that are caused by karma or Kundalini, in which cases the Modern Medicine is stuck.

Regression can be done with the combined efforts of Sahasrara (Crown), Ajna (Brow-Eye), Vishudda (Throat) and Anahata (Heart) Chakras upon all bodies. We need to be in the presence of God and Sahasrara and Anahata provides a direct link. We witness the memories/impression and detect, analyze, connect, comprehend and heal/transmute all of the things that is contained in an experience and/or a continuum. Vishudda activates higher mind and we can merge with divine mind to reinterpret for the best possibility with the inspiration coming from the Divine source. Vishudda can process negative, basal and lower energies; it can dissolve and sublimate them. Anahata is the center of the soul and it ensures balance, justice and resolution according to unconditional love and divine mercy. Anahata is the center where our conscience is and it has a holistic outlook. Anahata is associated with Causal Body and all karmic operations happen inside Anahata. Anahata is also where we integrate our inner voices.

Awakening and rising of Kundalini / Holy Spirit can also surface the contents of our unconscious which are mainly about the events and periods of our past lives and our experiences between death and rebirth. Karmic patterns and complexes that block the path of Kundalini mostly needs careful diagnosis, analysis, understanding and healing.

If we don’t heal those; unknowing the fact about their existence and awaken Kundalini with breathing techniques, kriyas, drugs, sex or any other means (such as Soul Mate/Twin Flame relationships or matters of life/death), we may be subject to Kundalini burns, bites, poisoning, overflows, overloads, bumps, cysts and many forms of damage and crises, which in turn cause psychosis. All of these have holistic, spiritual and karmic importance that needs our careful attention.

Kundalini raises the awareness through projection of the contents of the unconscious, in such case we need to solve them to ground and gain awareness. If we don’t prudently examine and detect them and don’t understand the factual truth about them we may become delusional, neurotic and/or psychotic as Kundalini can tax on any element or combination of our holistic self.

So we should observe regression therapies along with Yogic/Alchemical, Tantric/Magical, Healing practices because all of them are Kundalini practices.

Regression should be seen as a holistic operation but it may also be seen as a Divine Justice procedure. We access akashic records and account for our deeds before the presence of God. We can repent for our sins and release our karmic inheritance. We can sacrifice our sins to develop virtues and do good deeds. We can purge our sins through devotion and service for humanity, nature, divinity. Devotion and service can alleviate suffering.

Regression therapy is not limited only to our lives that we are incarnate in Earth as Humans. We also incarnate in bodies pertaining to many diverse species that exist in all Universes. We can live as stones, metals, elements, viruses, bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi, plants, animals, humanoids, non-humanoids, synthetics, pranic entitites, planets, stars, logoic entities and entities that have physical/non-physical bodies that are made out of invisible matter or energy (such as nature spirits) and from my experience even robots and objects such as mirrors, watches, pillows, chairs, washing machines etc.

It is very productive for your spiritual healing to remember your lives that you were not a human on earth. Remembering your single celled lives can drastically improve the health and biological and psychological efficiency of all your cells all the while giving you a bonus when you enter another mother’s womb after you die. Remembering your animal lives can show light on your uncontrolled reactions and chaotic-stressful relationships with particular individuals that you may be in contact now. Remembering your life as a plant can remind yourself how to sustain your self by your own devices, grow and produce products and hence boost your creativity and productivity, you may also improve abilities such as psychic photosynthesis that is very productive for Healers, Therapists, Counselors, Shamans, Yogis, Magicians and Alchemists.

It is also very productive to learn how to securely and duly dispel and remove curses, hexes, entities and magic that cause negativity upon your Divine Path. A magical operation or an entity can sustain until it is dispelled or removed. Such magic can hinder our spirit, soul, genius, will, purpose, remembering, abilities (including energetic, astral, mental, subtle, causal, spiritual), restoration, healing, perfection along with all of the important facets of life such as love, relationships, marriage, family, work, community, politics, sexuality, technology, education etc. You should be aware that hexes can contain mines that may trigger even in an attempt to detect them, so you should always observe them through accessing Records and not directly with your senses. Regression therapies help you access Records in progress with increasing freedom and efficiency.

You can always ask and get assistance from Astral/Non-Physical Sanitarium for Regression Therapies and the Healing Procedures that we cover in this article that you do on yourself as well as others.

Preparing for Regression Therapy

Before commencing self-regression therapies I advise you to first go through the process with professional therapists and guides.

We should learn some core and fundamental concepts and practices in healing, alchemy and magic along with Regression Therapies to have the most benefit.

  • Therapies for holistic and subtle traumas that were inflicted in current life. Which may be subtle or physical. They may come from medical/surgical procedures (including ECT, dental operations, circumcision and aesthetics, along with everything under anesthesia), psychiatric medicine (especially operational trauma upon brain, liver and spine), blackouts, chemical / hard / synthetic / stimulant / narcotic / hallucinogenic psychoactive fungus, plant, chemical use (single event) and addiction (continual trauma), alcohol use and addiction, along with fights, familial violence (physical or psychological), broken relationships, death and loss of loved ones, divorce, migration/relocation (continual trauma), drowning, suffocation, molesting, sexual assault and rape, falling, fractured bones.

You’ll get to know that most of the traumatic events that you experience in this lifetime is somehow has a direct or indirect karmic connection to your past lives. You might have been molested either because you molested someone or you couldn’t deal with the trauma you had when you were molested at your past life or both. The karmic complexes has a multidimensional geometry and many facets and they are sometimes counter-intuitive and counter-belief, they should not be seen with a common sense because they also include irrationality. Karmic patterns should be seen as they are.

  • Fundamental and Holistic Purification
  • Faith/Prayer Healing — Healing through conversing with God, Kundalini/Holy Spirit and Angels
  • Attuning to Healing Energies / Energetic Clearing and Empowering
  • Psychic Reading and Scanning
  • Clearing Subtle-Astral-Mental-Spiritual Pathogens and Parasites / Immunology
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • NLP Techniques
  • Elements (Spirit, Akasha, Prana, Fire, Water, Air, Earth)
  • Analytical Psychology
  • Spiritual Psychology
  • Healing of Ancestors
  • Exorcism — Devocation and Abjuration
  • Yoga Nidra — Sleep and Dream Practices

Please read this article and do the preparatory meditations and research before commencing regression therapy. You can do along other meditations and research while in progress for a whole, deep and thorough healing which depends upon understanding and wisdom.

Healing of Astral Traumas and Disorders

  • Ground yourself first and center at Ajna Chakra.
  • Follow your breathing and relax.
  • Imagine a Bright Sphere of Divine Light and let the light flow down through your Central Pranic Tube entering your Sahasrara/Crown Chakra. Let this light nourish all of your self and raise your vibration.
  • Acknowledge that you’re in the presence of God. Connect with the Divine Source and Creator of all that is. Tell your intention for regression, tell which issues you want to heal in your life. You can also call the help and guidance of Angels and Archangels that are in service for healing.
  • Deepen your trance. Let your soul and spirit talk through your mouth freely.
  • Ask God to show you the place that needs attention or the impression (samskara) that is connected to the situation at hand upon your holistic self.
  • Concentrate on that place with your Holistic Eye
  • Receive the impressions. Feelings, emotions or visions can surface. Be patient and remember, you may tag or name the contents but do this softly with your mind.
  • It is important to concentrate on emotions and feelings rather than visions. Know that the impressions that are loaded within your holistic self (bodies, minds, soul, spirit, essence) will be healed through witnessing while in the presence of God. Don’t let yourself carried away with negative imprints but let yourself express and interpret them. You can cry or laugh but do come back to center when its finished. Look at all sides of the situation.
  • When you witness what needs to be healed, examine everything and diagnose the negativity that needs healing with God. Ask for specific assistance, guidance and healing about the negativity that you detected from God, and witness what God is doing upon your prayer and understand what God says.
  • You can call Divine Names or invoke Healing Lights at this point.
  • Ask if there is another samskara for the current situation in hand. If there is repeat accordingly.
  • Ask for re-patterning, correction and alignment of the past negative karma.
  • Proceed with Relieving of the Conscience and Mental Healing.


  • We must know that Regression Therapy is a Holistic Healing modality. We need to care all planes of existence. Everything can be both connected and free in Holistic Self. We should care everything together; Physical, Emotional, Mental, Causal, Psychic, Spiritual, Divine and Hidden elements, bodies, matrices, patrices and planes.
  • You don’t have to see visions while remembering the past. Pain, energies, feelings, thoughts and emotions can arise and they should be attended and understood. It is also important to comprehend what happened (events as well as timelines/continuum) before and after any event or continuum.
  • Seeing visions does not always ground and verify the truth and facts about your past. Your imagination may distort the actual experience if there is a resistance to confront the unconscious or the traumatic event or the sin/crime. If you duly believe that you were always innocent you may not remember that you had sinned or committed crime in your past lives and imagination may come and distort the facts.
  • Regression can sometimes turn into Active Imagination. Even these images can signify facts about your unconscious or past experiences/behavior/character symbolically or metaphorically.
  • You must also attend to what happened after and before the traumatic events. Pre-trauma and post-trauma events, reaction and continuum is also important to attend and heal.
  • You can intent to heal a specific issue, pain, sickness, disorder, complex, planet, chakra or a specific past life.
  • This practice purges the negative ego.
  • Sometimes you may jump at time according to the degree of violence/complexity/suffering or how you relate with the traumas and sins. If you feel like suppress or refuse something go back in time and let it unfold it with detachment. Intent to see everything as it is. You can use time commands in these cases; such as Play, Stop, Rewind, Forward, Slow.
  • You can call Divine Names or use symbols for while witnessing the memories or to commence healing.
  • You can call Divine Names of God, recite Mantras, Verses and Prayers while in healing according to context; (see Appendix A below at responses for Shemhamphorash and Esma ul-Husna)

Healing of Mental Traumas and Disorders

  • Mental traumas and disorders are impressed upon Chitta. These are mostly can be found in and around the brain but sometimes they can be present at heart.
  • This process is very similar to the healing of emotional traumas and disorders, but operates at the mental level. You can repeat the instructions at above.
  • You can clear mental samskaras before or after astral samskaras. Look out for your thought while healing.
  • There might be thoughts that come from other people that come from


  • It is important to come up with right beliefs, because mental traumas and disorders may project illusions.
  • You can concentrate on the voice in the silence and silence in the voice to receive mental inspirations from God.
  • The path for emotional, mental and spiritual development opens after witnessing the past lives in astral and mental levels. It is wise to do Conceptual Meditations to align your mind with the divine mind. Conceptual meditations let your mind think better and nail the concepts to essential truth about them.
  • You can apply the energies that you’re attuned to your mind or your intelligence directly.
  • The mental negativity may be caused by Psyhic/Spiritual Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence/Vitality/Spirit that might have been implanted on you in technologically advanced civilizations, which had developed technologies that can effect and merge with spirituality, before you had came to Earth.

Integration of the Soul and Spirit

Parts of our soul and spirit can break apart and scatter along the time and space in our life experiences mostly in traumas and crimes. According to the nature of the event; the parts of the soul/spirit can either separate violently by force or through an internal/unconscious decision or a Divine intervention or a combination of all. Parts of soul and spirit can remain somewhere in the universe, be magically captivated and bound, stick in the time/space/scene of the event or haunt the antagonists (especially in curses and malediction).

The difference between soul and spirit is that; soul is temporal and mostly limited to incarnation, but integrates with the whole psyche and spirit is eternal and extra-temporal even if its actively manifest in time. Most of the time spiritual damage and trauma is much more violent and complex than the ones that afflict the soul.

We should attend and comprehend why our parts of soul/spirit had separated, broken or cracked to heal ourselves and regain our integrity. We should also know what these parts had done and experienced after separation. They always signal to their origin somehow and we should find the clues of their state after separation.

We may ask God or Holy Spirit/Kundalini to collect and reintegrate the parts of our soul and spirit, after this we can observe and witness the healing while we are in a relaxed state. This is mostly enough for healing to happen. Though there is the possibility that your parts of soul and spirit could have been captivated with magical methods upon occult intentions. In these cases there should be additional Angelic assistance to free your parts, some of them might had been already found and freed in the past but needing your direct attention for reintegration. If they are still captivated the option for reintegration may postpone for future until an Angelic Magician or a Servant do the necessary procedures.

Parts of soul and spirit can separate and go to Hell or Heaven in case of a sin or a trauma. If the person is determined to sin along the current lifetime parts of soul can separate from the incarnate being and go to Heaven or Hell through an unconscious decision, those soul parts may want to stay clean and don’t want to be responsible of the karmic burden. This especially happens at the demonic pacts. This separation could also be caused by a Divine intervention to diminish the damage upon universe. Sometimes Divine intervention can cut away the unclean parts of the psyche and carry it to Hell. (This is an hypothesis upon Religious Belief)

In events and continua that include violent trauma such as rape, molesting, murder, torture, poisoning, near death experience, blackout, accidents, captivity, enslavement etc. parts of soul and spirit can be damaged, cracked, broken and separated; your state and what you think or feel while this event of separation and damage conditions how your parts will behave separately from your incarnate existence. If you are cursing or speaking/thinking for the harm of antagonists, then those parts will act according to your malediction and cause accidents, restrictions, confusion, damage, possessions and many other actions to harm the antagonists.

In special cases of willed sexual acts and rape that has vampirism factor, the rapist or your partner (or the possessing spirit) can suck from your soul or add / mix to your soul. In sucking cases your soul can be captivated and bound to your partner or the spirit that possesses your partner (they may also have mutual profits and hence an agreement/contract/pact). In adding/mixing cases the future possessions become much more easy, as well as your energy/light become impure and your healing/spiritual/holistic abilities become distorted. Mostly there are possession factors in lustful sexuality. It is wise for the serious students and initiates to be careful about purity and cordiality of their partners and sexual acts.

I will cover this subject near the end of this article.

Detailed Healing of Holistic Traumas

Any part or element of our Holistic Being or Psyche can be subject to singular or complex damage and trauma, that has a holistic effect.

There are many types of traumas and damages pertaining to visible and subtle bodies.

  • Breathing (asthma, drowning, suffocation, arrhytmia etc.)
  • Solids, Fluids, Cells, Tissues, Organs and Systems

Blood, Teeth, Lymph, Sperma, Egg, Skin, Hair, Nerves, Senses, Muscles, Bones, Joints, Whole Spine, Singular Vertebra, Nodes, Saliva, Mucus, Brain etc.

  • Solid-Fluid-Gas-Plasma Traumas
  • Subatomic, Atomic and Molecular Traumas
  • Radiation Traumas
  • Energetic Traumas
  • Emotional Traumas
  • Mental Traumas (Mind, Thought, Reason, Understanding, Memory, Illusion, Truth)
  • Traumas upon Instinctual and Intuitional Faculties
  • Traumas upon Will (Free Will, Spiritual Will, Subconscious Will, Unconscious Will)
  • Traumas upon Conscience
  • State Traumas
  • Chakra and Aura Traumas
  • Traumas upon Soul
  • Traumas upon Spirit
  • Traumas upon Essence
  • Traumas upon Primals
  • Kundalini Traumas
  • Akasha Traumas
  • Prana Traumas
  • Traumas upon Consciousness
  • Traumas upon Being
  • Damages on Implanted/Integrated Spiritual Technologies
  • Magical Traumas
  • Other Traumas

Traumas and Damages can constitute and be seen as: scars, shocks, strokes, lesions, crises, poisoning, impact, throbbing, palpitation, tremor, flutter, cracks, shards, fractures, splits, rifts, overloads, overflows, strain, stress, boiling, burning, ataxia, catatonia, vortices, vacuum, emptiness, blinding, masses, cysts, myoma, abrasion, errosion, corrosion, fountains, outbursts, gushing, spouting, holes, locks, putrefaction, rotting, stagnation, bruises, dents, contradictions, paradoxes, petrifying, calcification, knots, ties, pins, needles, nails, leaks, blockages, snagging, shaking, trembling, quaking, trepidation, clenching, black holes, worm holes, filling etc.

If you see these symptoms in your Holistic Being, Psyche, Mind, Field or Spirit or in the events and continua you had remembered, you should attend and understand what had happened and diagnose them. After diagnosis ask God to heal them and be specific while you ask. You can observe healing that you had requested through Kundalini/Holy Spirit. You should first purify/clear, neutralize and balance the nested loads (pain/suffering, energies, emotions, thoughts and other possible elements) before healing (ie. restoration, repair, restructuring, reconstruction, correction, verification, etc.) and transmutation.

These traumas could be afflicted freely or connected to each other and they can also be healed simultaneously or individually according to the nature of the trauma/damage.

Some of these traumas may be somehow associated with magic, entities, hexes and curses. You can ask assistance from Astral/Non Physical Sanitarium, Healing Centre as well as God. These can be securely removed in time through active attention and effort of serving magicians from distance.

Examples of Healing Intentions and Requests

  • I request ideal healing for all the traumas that were inflicted on me by feeling and understanding them.
  • I request ideal healing and if there is a need an (subtle) organ transplant for the time they robbed my grave and took my organs. I also request any possible hexes or curses to be securely dispelled and removed, which might have been done on or using my organs. (You can be specific about the organs) — This is available at Astral/Non-Physical Sanitarium
  • I request ideal healing for the scars that were happened when they whipped me in dungeon when I was a prisoner.
  • I request ideal restoration of my fingers when they cut them while they tortured me.
  • I request ideal healing and restoration for the pike scars/sword cuts that are on my skin, muscles, bones, organs, which happened on the war that I had remembered.
  • I request identification and ideal healing for the time when I fell from the tree when I was a monkey.
  • I request identification and ideal healing for everything that happened when I had a tooth filling.
  • I request full and ideal restoration when I was caught as a fish (or fishlike animal) and got eaten. I also request ideal healing for the traumas that happened on my breathing, eyes, brain, spine, gills, blood, nerves, fins, tail, muscles, channels and any other organs and chakras when I was pulled out of water with identification and diagnosis.
  • I request to understand why I have a blood trauma and ask for ideal healing.
  • I request ideal healing for the akashic tear I feel at my eye along with all the loads and elements that are connected to the event that traumatized me.
  • I request ideal healing for the vortices on (specific) chakra.
  • I request ideal healing on holistic traumas that are affiliated my endocrine system. (You should attend each of them in sessions and witness thorough healing)
  • I request detection, diagnosis and ideal healing for the traumas that are associated with my lungs.
  • I request to understand and receive ideal and thorough healing about the traumas that happened while I blacked out at the last traffic accident.
  • I request ideal healing for the bodily, emotional, mental, spiritual and essential traumas that happened at (such) surgery.
  • I ask identification and ideal healing about the holistic traumas that happened when I got circumcised.
  • I ask identification and ideal healing of the traumas and damages about the last time I had used synthetic psychoactive drugs.
  • I ask identification and ideal healing of anything that might have happened in the Ayahuasca ceremony.
  • I ask to understand what happened on my body and request ideal healing about the last time I got poisoned.
  • I ask identification of the traumas along my methamphetamine addiction and ideal healing for them.

Relieving of the Conscience

Its important to check your heart for any load that might be there and ensure relief for your conscience.

  • Interpret everything that you had witnessed and interpret it with Divine Inspiration you receive. Separate right from wrong with prudence.
  • You can repent or deliver your opinions about the issue you are handling.
  • Check your heart for negative emotions and thoughts. You can call divine names or invoke healing lights (such as Reiki) to process and transmute them.
  • You can also hum melodies or sing with the inspiration that flows to your heart. Sing or hum with the intention of purification, transmutation and/or healing. You can focus on your heart as well as any organ or element individually or simultaneously.
  • Ponder on what you can do best for now and future. May be the collective conscience can show you an issue which you can address. Which mistakes get repeated, can you stop doing the same mistakes and make people stop them.
  • Remember your sins and crimes and ask pardon from the individuals that you harmed through connecting with empathy and request healing from God for them.
  • Remember the harmful magic that you had done which may also afflicted communities on grand scale and securely request dispelling and removal. You should know the intention of such hexes, curses, conjurations and magical deeds. If there is murder/sacrifice of plants of animals request and observe healing for their souls. Request recovery for everything to natural state and directed to their ideal. You may transmute the intentional and unintentional conjurations.

What relieves the conscience is the compensation of negative deeds and after that doing positive deeds.

Deadlocks can be untied by tracing back what had been done.

About the Time Between Death and Rebirth — Bardo

There are many possibilities an individual can experience after death. These experiences can be remembered with the memory of spirit and holistic self.

Especially when you remember a traumatic event that includes your death, you should not end the session but remember what had happened after death and heal any damage, traumas and crises that might have been there. The incidents that happened at Bardo (transition between death and rebirth) duly conditions your next and future incarnations. The individual always have goals to complete and karmic patterns/relationships to attend.

Near death experiences are mostly initiations to Bardo reality. We become aware of Bardo when we return from temporal death.

Everything that we had felt (including aches and pain) and thought in the event that caused death and moment of death conditions what we experience after transition. We may see facts that were hidden from our ego. We may revise our life. We may revise our eternal life. There might be illusions. We might have been attacked by negative entities. We may go to places that resemble Hell or Heaven according to our beliefs but they may not be the real Hell or Heaven especially if we don’t contact with Angels of Death such as Archangel Uriel.

We may still be tied to our body, partner, family, home, belongings, work and loved ones as well as our enemies after death, upon our emotions and karmic connections. We may stick to them for an indefinite time. We should also work on the ties and relationships. We may need to cut our bonds with them and release ourselves.

Our past personalities, some parts of our soul and/or the whole soul pertaining to specific lives can still be fleeting in Bardo who couldn’t be integrated to our Holistic/Eternal and True Self. We should do integration work for them, this may took several months to complete in complex cases.

One way to understand Bardo is doing funerals and emphatic healing for the animals that we eat their bodies. Parts and elements of their psyche/holistic being scattered with their body and remains with everyone who ate them.

Integration of Personalities

Integration of personalities are needed for feeling whole within ourselves. Dilemmas can be solved through integration.

  • While in deep meditative trance as instructed before, ask for balancing and integration of your personalities that you have witnessed. Concentrate on Anahata and Manipura (Solar Plexus)
  • Listen and analyse your inner voices. Note how your parts relate to each other and the rest of the universe. Your inner voices can be past personalities as well as your parts which can be categorized under Archetypes and Planets.
  • There is a need to attend on the relationships between parts and the whole.
  • This procedure is extremely important to attend in psychotic and delusional cases such as schizophrenia as well as depressions and psychological disorders; namely dissociative, schizoid, schizotypal, paranoid, borderline, bipolar. (hypothesis)
  • Schizophrenia and similar problems could also be caused by magic and possessives entities. Schizophrenia is not linear and there can be many magical, psychological, personal, transpersonal, spiritual and karmic complexities. (hypothesis)
  • We need another article to handle all of this subject.

Raising of Light Quotient/Vibration

With regression we can do deep purification and healing. After this process there is space for development according to your life path. We can safely raise Kundalini after we do regression therapy. As regression clears up our personal path we can flow with the universal and divine currents. We can be a channel for universal and divine currents as well as a coordinator, catalyst or organizer. Raising of the light quotient/vibration is a matter of consecration. We can raise our light quotient through meaningful act that are according to divine plan.

A person undergoes a repatterning process upon important concepts and values after the purification and healing that is done through regression. While personalities are integrated to modern life channels for light are enabled. To empower the light that flows from these channels can be done through self-control and effort to realize divine values, being an active participant in the divine work, pretty much like playing the angel. Such effort should be interpreted in both personal and collective basis and in both abstract and concrete planes. With divine effort lead can be transmuted to gold.

Also there is the option of Sexual Alchemy to raise and consecrate the vibration of couples. Regression paves a safe path for such alchemical operation. Orgasms that come from love are thoroughly healing and transmuting. Sex when done as an act of love in the presence of God is thoroughly healing. It also helps toning and activating the light body. Orgasms that come with love is deeply transforming and can help activation of psychic skills.

It is also very important to know the benefits of right sexuality that is deeply healing. Healing effect of true and simultaneous orgasms is a must see for any one. Sex should be an act of love being in the presence of God. Such sexual acts can be divine experiences that is deeply spiritual. But to get the best of Sexual Alchemy we should first go through a thorough Regression progress so that we ensure there are no blockages and energy can freely flow without burning our Astral and Mental bodies.

We will discuss Sexual Alchemy under Ars Amatoria section along with Healthy Love Relationships and Marriage.

Göksel seviyede ışık gezegenler, toplumsal seviyede bu gezegenlerle bağlantılı arketipler üzerinden kırılarak eylemler ve mevcut koşullar olarak somutlaşma gösterir. İlahi seviyede Tanrı İsimleri ilahi nurun da insan cevherinden çıkışının anahtarıdır. Mantra Yoga, Zikir ve tesbih çalışmaları özellikle regresyonlardan sonra bütünleşme derecesinde etkili olabilmektedir.

Fixation and Separation

There is the possibility of Soul and Genetic Mixing, Merging, Fusion and Integration in Demonic Pacts which may be done at your previous lives at Earth or before.

Mixing, Merging and Integration can also occur as an accident or a demonic strategy to limit or cause imbalances along the Divine Path, so that you may not achieve your True Individuality and Divine Purpose, such can occur especially in hard and hallucinogenic drugs, surgeries with anesthesia, ECT, incest sexuality, rape and psuedo-soul mate/twin flame relationships where there is Possession Factor. Thus you should be very careful with Sexual Magic and Alchemy with your partners and do carefully observe Cancelling Demonic Contracts along with Individuation (regaining originality and individuality) through Fixation and Defusion/Separation Processes with Soul Parts.

Such merging can occur simultaneously in various bodies, matrices, planes and levels of existence. Mixing, Merging and Integration can be done and found in various modes : Fusion as in Nuclear Physics, Heterogenous/Homogenous Fusion as in Cellular Biology, Heterogenous Mixing, Homogenous Mixing, Blending (as in blending of coffee), Joining, Adding, Grafting.

Each mode needs a different method for Separation. And all processes should have been observed the base of genetics and past lives. Original Timeline of your Psyche should have been observed and anything that has been added which does not serve your Divine and Spiritual Will should been separated from your psyche holistically, with care and security. (Beware that mines can explode when there is a demonic strategy that is still observed today along with possible traps to secure the procedure to eternity)

Mixed parts can be granular or whole. There can be many types of reactions after Mixing, Merging and Integration.

There is a very easy way to test if there is such a mixing in your psyche. Most of the time the soul parts that are added come from many individuals to crank up the inner crowd and static psychic noise and tension, so things can go very out of control. All of those source individuals can have a possible negative karma between you as well as between each other.

So scan for negative karma between your inner crowd, after you had done a Meditation to Eternal Now, and a Meditation to the Divine and Spiritual Timeline (Coming out of Source to up until Now) so that your unconscious parts can get ready for detection of abnormalities.

So what you need to do is observing Apologies, Pardons, Forgiveness and Gratitude between the inner crowd first so you can securely release/transmute some negativity and remember the events if there is a need and heal them. Some source individuals could have been raped, tortured, murdered, betrayed, slayed, slaugtered, molested, divorced, stole things between each other or between you this may even include bad parenting, black magic and incest sexuality (such karma could have been happened in any step of evolution, such as animals or protists). Please do observe remembering that satisfies the soul parts and holistic healing of them by remembering events with care, things may not be conducted automatically in serious problems.

This helps to diminish and solve Self-Sabotage. (Such as ‘I apologize for victimizing you’, ‘Please apologize for the time you had raped/tortured/murdered the other’, ‘Are you forgiving?’)

You can ask God and may call Angels especially Metatron and Raziel for observation, guidance and help in separation. You should send the psychic parts that you have separated from yourself to Rehabilitation Center (at Astral Plane) first before sending them to their original self, to prevent complications. God and Raphael can help with Regression Therapies. You can also ask assistance from initiates such as Adam, Solomon, Pythagoras, Plato, Abramelin, Aesculapius, Thoth, Osiris, Maat, Krishna/Vishnu or Shiva (Current incarnates of Lakshmi, Horus, Isis, Socrates are not available at the moment).

Also various parts of your soul and psyche could have been subject to Demonic Soul Trade and Bonding which mostly associated to traumatic events and difficulties/attacks in afterlife before reincarnation. Such can sometimes restored/redeemed/restored easily and securely through prayer/request for healing and witnessing the healing act of God or Kundalini, but such soul parts needs rehabilitation. You can also call for assistance of ascended masters in cases where restoration is risky.

There is a case I want to discuss pertaining to this subject.

In case that there is a willful demonic pact with an Archdemon or Demon Lord and you the soul parts could have been acquired through demonic trade. Such soul parts may be originated/cut away from Ascended Masters, Angelic Magicians or Saints through traumatic events, most of the time such demonic pacts are done for lust of power. In such cases there may be the possibility of Inner Pride that comes from the history, such as Perfection processes that had been undergone, of original individual. In this case the one who had acquired the soul parts of an Angelic individual may partly feel Angelic, but don’t act not like an Angel, this produces an Illusion of Perfection, Integrity, Kindness or any Angelic/Divine Value-Idea. Such people may not feel the need to do further work on themselves and overlook the very negative facts and original truths about themselves.

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(Now there is a hypothesis for Twin Flame Relationships)

This can also be done for Willful Holistic Unification that has been done between past twin flame relationships where two individuals become one with eternal love. Twin flame relationships resemble homogenous cell fusion including merging of nuclei along time after the merge as well as physical nuclear fusion. Anyone could have been undergone twin flame unification in their eternal life and can contain many individual who had unified into single being. In this cases there is a spiritual marriage inside a person.

Twin flame relatioships can be very chaotic and there can be past negative karma between the couple that is not processed buried very deep inside before they had been into love, these karma can sustain even after cellular merging but limits the fusion of nuclei. So you may remember and feel that you torture/rape/murder/victimize/betray your own self in some of your past life memories. Offender and the offended can become one in twin flame relationships after unification.

So observing Apologies, Pardons and Gratitude may show a potential twin flame unification that had been occurred in your eternal life. In such cases you should work on a healthy marriage inside you and the homogenous fusion processes after merging.

Some Initiates and Individuals You Can Contact for Assistance and Guidance

These initiates can assist you with magical/karmic problems and commence/observe healing operations as well as holistic surgeries when needed with their Light Body.

  • Anonymous Healers, Monks and Priests (°*)
  • Maitreya °*
  • Ernesto Che Guevara °* (Spiritual Toxicology / Immunology, Holistic Traumas)
  • Vishnu / Krishna / Rama °* (Yoga andTantra)
  • Osiris °* (After-Life)
  • Aziz Germain *
  • Pythagoras °*
  • Galenos °
  • Hippocrates °
  • Ibn-i Sina (Avicenna) °
  • Râzî °*
  • Apuleius *
  • Platon °*
  • Rufus of Ephesus °*
  • Aetius °
  • Quan Yin °*
  • Maat *
  • Prophets Solomon, Adam, Abraham, Jesus °*
  • Amitabha / Siddhartha Buddha °*
  • Carl G. Jung
  • Muhyiddin İbn Arabi °*
  • Edgar Cayce °*


  • Albert Einstein
  • Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
  • Hypatia from Alexandria
  • Virgil
  • Homeros
  • Edgar Cayce
  • Jorge Luis Borges
  • Spirit and the Logos of the Earth (also the Planets you had incarnated in before Earth)
  • Spirit and the Logos of the Sun (also the Stars you had incarnated in before)
  • Spirit and the Logos of the Universe
  • Planetary Logoi
  • Your Ancestors and Aborted/Still-Birthed Family Members (they can guide you but they may need healing and also some wishes and karma that should be attended)


  • Ethan Vorly — Past Life Regression / Multi-dimensional Being
  • Carl Gustav Jung —Liber Novus (Red Book) / Man and His Symbols / Active Imagination
  • Roger J. Woolger — Other Lives, Other Selves / Healing Your Past Lives / Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
  • Eric Pearl — Reconnection
  • Samuel Sagan — Awakening the Third Eye
  • Swami Satyananda Saraswati — Yoga Nidra
  • Anonymous — Meditations on Tarot

