
How we can heal ourselves?

Ömer Melih Aksoy
7 min readJan 18, 2018


It is wise to ponder on Four Noble Truths of Buddhism for self healing.

  • The truth of suffering (Dukkha)
  • The truth of the origin of suffering (Samudāya)
  • The truth of the cessation of suffering (Nirodha)
  • The truth of the path to the cessation of suffering (Magga)

We should first observe ourselves and our relation with the universe for the sufferings which may happen to show themselves as pain, disorders, karmic patterns. We do live our suffering but we may not know the root cause. We should see the suffering as it is and know its origin to take it out of our lives. We should also project a future that is without suffering so that we may reach a goal through utilizing effective healing methods.

The suffering is mostly temporary and ceases when we address it according to its own nature. Most of our suffering is based on illusions. Most of the healing is based on catching the truth of any situation with love and prudent action according to laws of life. Most of the time we don’t know any better but we can always get better with our lives.

The process of self-healing is a key process for emerging as a healer that is competent and effective. We need to secure ourselves first with effective healing methods that makes us alive better on the right track. Self-healing can be seen as an act of self-love but that goes beyond. It can also be seen as a discipline, in which a person does commune with God for healing of oneself.

Some would say that it is not possible for a healer to heal herself, but that is not true. One can heal herself thoroughly through various healing methods. What is important here is the understanding of Alchemy. But sometimes we may not reach the root cause and would need help from another person. Some other person can see, feel, understand our situation better sometimes not only because of experience and education but also thorough external view. But we can do a lot of self-healing before and after that.

Heal thy self!

Heal thy healing.

First we should know that we can heal ourselves by utilizing effective healing methods. We should also be sure that God will help us thorough the process of self-healing if we ask and witness the healing through prayer or meditation. For the healing to be effective on ourselves we have to observe ourselves and thoroughly analyse our situation. We should develop our body, mind and spirit through meditation as well as developing our understanding and wisdom.

We should do a keen research that will fulfill our needs in self-healing. We can’t directly go thorough self-healing without knowing effective healing methods and meditation skills. We should learn to do self-hypnosis.

We should do sports, fitness, dancing, Hatha Yoga, Qi-Qong to feel well within our bodies. Doing such body work release the blockages that may be present within the etheric body.

It is also beneficial to receive attunements to healing energies such as Reiki. But we should know that for these Healing Lights to be effective we should develop our Light Body with daily practice of meditation and self-healing. We should meditate with these energies and apply them to each part of our body, mind and spirit for a thorough self-healing.

Self-healing can happen through communication with God. We can communicate with God, Holy Spirit — Maha Kundalini or Archangels and Angels for healing. We should understand the messages that come from our soul/spirit thorough our body or mind. Understanding how the body and mind works is directive for self-healing.

Healing can happen along with uncovering of one’s self.

To be a competent healer we need to know ourselves through the lens of eternity, so that we can have a working Ajna Chakra that can see beyond the limits of time and space. Undergoing regression therapy is a must if you ask me. Self-regression is possible but one should do better if she do her first regression therapies with an experienced regression therapist and do self-regression after acquiring the technique and learn the process.

Regression therapy (as well as progression) heals the astral, mental, causal, karmic and spiritual bodies, elements, components and matrices. This is a necessary process for someone to have a healthy light body with active intuitive and healing skills that are a must for a competent healer such as; empathy, telepathy, holistic reasoning, accessing akashic records along with understanding and wisdom of afterlife and universal laws. One should heal her own karmic situation so that she can help others the same.

Everyone can access own personal akashic records, until doing regression-progression therapies one is limited to access the records for only oneself. After regression therapies one is able to access for others and can see others thorough divine perspective without the limitations of time and space.

Regression helps us to purge our sins, correct ourselves on our life path, liberate ourselves and wholly ascend, unlocking our best potential with our karmic inheritance. No matter what we do at our past lives, we continue from where we left. Also there can be traumas and disorders that we carry along our lives. Regression helps us to uncover our unconscious content and deeply heal our psyche. We can regress to past lives, prenatal period and within our current lifetime.

Progression helps us to have a motivating intention for future. We should not let ourselves in future to go astray. We can do progression so that we can manifest what we will for future, either for our current or future lifetimes. With progression we can be a better person thorough being an embodiment of values, virtues and divine qualities such as truth, justice, beauty, honor, courage, love and many more thorough resolution. We can arrange a pact with God for the future of ourselves, our community, the Earth and all that is. By this we can add meaning to ourselves and upon our lives along with our culture and Earth.

We will discuss how to do regression and progression in another article.

Family and Systems Constellation therapy is also a must for a healer. One should know the genetic inheritance and heal accordingly, this is where Family Constellations therapy helps us. Familial situation of the current life is also important and could be based on the experience of ancestors, as there is a direct inheritance. One should be free from the negativity of familial patterns to be healthy with her healing. It may not be possible to conduct Family Constellations healing on oneself, so one should seek counsel of a practitioner.

We need to know that we inherit the genes from our ancenstors. We need to process this ancestral inheritance to meditate our spirit into our bodies. Spirit can freely express ourselves in our bodies along knowing ourselves with regression and knowing our bodily-cultural-genetic inheritance with familial-genetic therapies.

Sex when done as an act of love in the presence of God is thoroughly healing. It also helps toning and activating the light body. Orgasms that come with love is deeply transforming and can help activation of psychic skills.

It is also very important to know the benefits of right sexuality that is deeply healing. Healing effect of true and simultaneous orgasms is a must see for any one. Sex should be a sacred act of love being in the presence of God. Such sexual acts can be divine experiences that is deeply spiritual. But to get the best of Sexual Alchemy we should first go thorough Regression progress so that we ensure there are no blockages and energy can freely flow without burning our Astral and Mental bodies.

Couples should know how to do Microcosmic Orbit so that they can raise the energy and spiritually merge during sexual act. There are many other Mudras, Bandhas and movements that help the energy to raise and processed in Sexual Alchemy.

We do spare approximately %40 of what we eat and our energy (Chi) for the production of sexual cells, so that we can be fertile. For this males should keep their sperm within throughout the sexual acts, applying injaculation techniques instead of ejaculation. And couples should know how to extend the duration of sex to process and consecrate their sexual energies .

Ejaculation is not a true orgasm, it actually is a leakage of precious Ching (sexual energy). The real orgasms come when the male holds his sperm, thorough injaculation and sublimation. Healthy and healing sexual acts should end without ejaculation and prolong for hours. Vajroli Mudra helps the male to prolong sex, which is the movement that we do when we hold our urine. This energetic lock helps extending the duration of sex and it is necessary to raise the sexual energies to chakras and the rest of the body to be processed along with Moola Bandha. It also helps alleviating the pain when the male finishes the sexual act without ejaculation. We may time to time press and massage the Perineum with our fingers so that the sperm can nourish our holistic body, way before triggering the ejaculation reflex.

For most couples, 40 minutes are necessary for having simultaneous orgasms that can happen on any part of the body. All chakras have their own kind of orgasm. There are acute-peak which can be momentary and valley orgasms which can prolong minutes. There is also full body orgasm. Orgasms happen when a part or whole of the body is duly saturated with sexual energies along with Divine Kundalini/Holy Spirit.

Right sexuality gives us the very core prerequisite resources for doing holistic healing and individuation for ourselves.

